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Questions tagged [slippy]

Slippy Map is, in general, a term referring to modern web maps which let you zoom and pan around (the map slips around when you drag the mouse).

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4 answers

Creating my own slippy map from GeoTIFF images

I have a Linux server, about 16 Gb of aerial photography files in GeoTIFF format and orders to set up a slippy map web application. This doesn't need to display anything from other data sources at the ...
Btz's user avatar
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Translation of slippy map tile names to TMS tile names

I am using mapproxy to serve slippy map tiles. I noticed that there are several URLs which return the same tile. Example I Below is slovakia.yaml (based on this thread). Local service can be launched ...
zabop's user avatar
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Counting slippy map tiles

I would like to calculate approximately, how many tiles of given size would need to be rendered for a given bounding box and zoom level range in a given projection (always 3857). For example, for: ...
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