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Questions tagged [spatial-relationship]

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1 vote
1 answer

PyQGIS Set relation strength to "composition"

Working with QGIS 3.34 (ltr) and PyQGIS, I'm trying to set up a relation between point layer and a No Geometry table. I found out that the correct class to use is: relation.setStrength(QgsRelation....
3 votes
2 answers

Determine if points fall upstream or downstream from a point on a line (river)

I have a set of fish species occurrences (lat/long) as points and set of rivers as lines. The fish species can of course only occur in the rivers (and not on land). I would like to determine whether ...
2 votes
1 answer

Union of multiple polygons by value that ST_Touch

I have a table of polygons with a column 'class'. In that column are 25 different categories; however, I am only concerned with three polygon classes: marsh, water, and grass. I would like to ...
5 votes
0 answers

QGIS: Create New Relationship gdb vs. gpkg

I'm looking for an option to store different relationships directly in the database. When I add the gdb/gpkg into a project the relationships should be loaded automatically too. For a gdb I can choose ...
12 votes
2 answers

Shapely with Rtree versus STRtree

I have a huge interrogation regarding the performance difference between Rtree and STRtree included in Shapely. Below is a short code where we create randomly 250 000 triangles (defined by 4 vertice) ...
2 votes
0 answers

PostGIS: Unexpected results using ST_LineString and ST_Within

I am not sure if I get the functionality of ST_LineSubstring wrong, but in my understanding, I get some weird results using it - maybe somebody can explain this to me. I am creating a segment from a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Geopandas intersects/contains fails between GeoDataFrames

I am struggling to make the GeoDataFrame functions: intersects/contains work between GeoDataFrames instances. Let t be a GeoDataFrame with contents: id ...
3 votes
2 answers

Measuring distance between certain relations in QGIS

I need to measure the direct distance between busstops in meters, not taking roads/networks into account. I have the WGS 84 Coordinates + globalIDs for 28.000 pairs. I already imported the Busstops ...
3 votes
3 answers

Correlation between layers

I am trying to determine the relationship between multiple factors (slope(from dem-raster), aspect(from dem-raster), proximity to settlements (buffers-polygon)) with fire events(point data, with date ...
1 vote
2 answers

Snap a point to a line and get the line ID (using the ArcGIS REST API)

I have an external work order management system in which users create new sidewalk work orders (points). When a user creates a sidewalk work order, a Jython script will invoke a URL that passes the X ...
2 votes
1 answer

Visualize polyline n-to-n relations in QGIS using PyQGIS

I have 2 traffic networks (A and B) with links relating to each other. Each link has an id. E.g. link 1 of network A can have a relation to 3 links of network B. Link 2 of network A might also have a ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to modify contiguity matrix in ArcGIS?

Is there any way to modify the contiguity relationships between the polygons in ArcGIS. I am thinking about a topology database that lets the user modify the data on the map? For example, if there is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Automatic search of most northern/eastern/western/southern polygons in sets of polygons

I have a large set of round polygons, each of them is divided into 4 equal quarters by 2 perpendicular lines with azimuths of 45 and 135 degrees. Is there a way to proceed with an automatic selection ...
0 votes
0 answers

Find lines not related to any other lines

I have a pipes layer. I need query all dangling pipes, it isn't relationship any other pipes. I have attach image. Is there any method to do this?
1 vote
1 answer

Score neighborhood based on itself and its neighbors for all features in a data set

The problem: I have a dataset of polygons representing neighborhoods with FSI (Floor-Space Index) values (among others). I want to consider for each neighborhood (target) the surrounding ...
0 votes
0 answers

What closeness measures are appropriate to this undirected graph?

I need a way to measure the closeness centrality of every single NODE(i) in respect to all NODES(j), 1 NODE(i) to all NODES(j) and, another measure that describe somehow the geometric properties of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Connecting Geodesign and attributes of two layers using QGIS?

I'm kind of new in QGIS and I wonder if there is a function or a tool to connect Geodesign and attribute of two layers, for example: I have a line vector layer named as (MT) with the attribute below ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is SDO_GEOM.RELATE returning erroneous results?

I believe I am getting some erroneous results when performing SDO_GEOM.RELATE with my spatial query. Given the following query: select SDO_GEOM.RELATE( MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 4326, NULL, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Role of boundaries when using shapely within function

According to the shapely documentation: object.within(other) Returns True if the object’s boundary and interior intersect only with the interior of the other (not its boundary or exterior) ...
1 vote
1 answer

SpatiaLite : update table with a spatial relationships

In a SpatiaLite DB, I am trying to update the value of a set of entities of a layer (table1) selected by a spatial relationship (equals) with entities from another layer (table2) I can perform a ...
1 vote
0 answers

Overlap Analysis of two rasters (heat maps) in QGIS?

I would like to analyse two different heat maps I have created from point data and to understand areas where hot spots overlap with each other. To add a back story I need to understand the overlap of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Create a pivot table for m-n relationship in QGIS?

My dataset comprises many polygons representing workspaces over a large area: -1 vector layer comprising my polygons (each polygon ID appears 1 time) For my online atlas however I need to obtain a ...
4 votes
2 answers

Find LineStrings with common segments in PostGIS 2.3

I would like to find LineStrings with common segments ('collinear', i.e. LineStrings that have 2 or more consecutive points in common) with PostGIS. I'm not shure if I'm missing something, but ...
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0 answers

Creating multiple polygon features based on the number of point features contained

Software: ArcGIS Desktop 10.x or ArcGIS Pro I have a polygon dataset, and a point dataset. Any number of points (or zero points) may intersect with the polygon. I need to generate a new polygon ...
6 votes
0 answers

show relations between polygons by highlighting polygons

Is it possible to show relations (for example traffic flow) between polygons (for example counties) by highlighting related polygons by doing a query on a start polygon using QGIS? Here is an ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to find parent-child relationships between geometric features? Or is there another way of dealing with GIS data?

I have bunch of shapefiles from OpenStreetsMap. A simple understanding of human is that we know which feature is inside which feature. And it's mathematically constrained. In other words, it's ...
4 votes
2 answers

Filling a field in a layer using a spatial relation with another layer/shapefile?

I want to know how I can fill in a column of a layer based on a certain relation criteria to another layer. In my case I want the column "straat" in my "bomen" shapefile filled in with the value's of "...
6 votes
2 answers

Finding 2nd order polygon neighbors (and 3rd, 4th etc.) using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a shapefile of contiguous polygons and for each pair of polygons, I need to know how many polygons are between them, following an neighboring/bordering approach. The output is likely to be a ...
1 vote
0 answers

Shape comparison language (SCL) - get shapes which intersect extent border

I am trying to write a SCL string for my ArcGIS query, which should return only shapes which are intersected by a border of a rectangular shape (extent). So far the closest I've got is the following: ...
6 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Intersect & Overlap in ArcGIS Server?

When you run a Query Task on the ArcGIS Server's REST Endpoint, you need to give a spatialRel There are two spatial relationships which are quite similar: esriSpatialRelIntersects & ...
2 votes
0 answers

Placing a label based on a point's location within a polygon

I have a polygon dataset and a point data set with occupants. I need to label the occupants of the house within the polygon and need the label to show up on the side associated with its polygon. ...
2 votes
2 answers

How can I check if all boundaries of a polygon coincides with one or more of a set of lines

I have a polygon shapefile, and theoretically, all features in the shape are bounded by the union of some lines in another shapefile. Is there any way to confirm if this is true? I'm using QGis, FME ...