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Get Feature id in OpenLayers from GeoServer/PostGIS

With OpenLayers, I'm creating layers like ol.layer.VectorTile var projection_epsg_name = 'EPSG:900913'; var geoserverLayerName = 'teste:map_shape2'; const tileLoadURL= '
Marcos Rodrigues's user avatar
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Is there a good example of using GDAL_WMS to add an authenticated TMS layer to QGIS?

I've been trying to add a TMS layer in QGIS using a GDAL_WMS xml configuration file. I added UserPwd to the xml and this seems to provide the authentication required by GeoServer but I'm struggling ...
Paul Wittle's user avatar
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Create a webhosting GIS tileserver with GeoServer (or similar) on Ubuntu 18.04

I am currently developing a web application with JS, HTML, CSS (you know the drill) and I am using a local GeoServer instance to display tiff files as PNG tiles in a Leaflet based mapping environment. ...
Skerre's user avatar
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GeoServer vector tiles TMS service how to set buffer parameter?

First, I use rest service to publish multi layers.So I want to find a place to set Default Rendering Buffer parameter or use the rest to set this buffer parameter. That I needn't set every layer one ...
wsf1990's user avatar
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Tiles shown at wrong location OpenLayers 3

I am seeing a strange error with a TMS/WMTS in EPSG:25832 created with GeoServer viewing with OpenLayers3 and hope someone can point me in the right direction. When zooming, the tiles seem to "jump" ...
bennos's user avatar
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Integrating GeoServer Map layer to Grafana Geomap

I am a software integrator and new to GeoServer. I have created a map layer in GeoServer and can view it via the following URL: http://localhost:8585/geoserver/gwc/demo/OSM_hungary?gridSet=Hungary&...
anand jayabal's user avatar
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Publish downloaded tms tiles using GeoServer

I downloaded a set of tms files from a mapping software, in .png format, with a "tms.xml" file. I want to use GeoServer to publish this data as a wms service. Is it achievable? How to do ...
boy qutter's user avatar
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GeoServer MVT vector tile attributes

I am serving MVT vector tiles from GeoServer through its TMS api and I can't find a way to add feature attributes. When I try to add these attributes in the edit layer/data tab, I get an error "...
Eric van der Vlist's user avatar
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TIME Parameter for TMS Request

I have a layer in Geoserver that is Time enabled. Using GWC with a TIME Parameter filter works great for WMTS and WMS-C. But unfortunately sending a TIME Filter with a TMS request like: http://...
Bernd Loigge's user avatar
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GeoServer GeoWebCache non-default Styles

I have a tile layer on GeoServer with a default gray style. I want to be able to serve this tile layer as a GeoWebCache with a colored style (not default). I enabled the caching defaults to "...
Ashley A.'s user avatar