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Questions tagged [tkinter]

Tkinter is Python's de-facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package.

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Installing tkinter in QGIS

I have found questions where this has been asked, but not a clear solution. I am trying to use Geosoft API functions from a QGIS plugin. Although it is not shown as a dependency, tkinter seems to be a ...
wotnot's user avatar
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Installing tkinter Python package in QGIS

I am trying to install tkinter so I can open a window, but I get an error. Does someone have a step-by-step process on how to install modules in Python console of QGIS? Error: >>> python -m ...
charliey's user avatar
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1 answer

GDAL ReadAsArray NoneType error when importing string of file directory?

I am trying to write a python app to ask for file directory input via tkinter. I am not sure what is going wrong but it returns an error: data_array = file.ReadAsArray() AttributeError: 'NoneType' ...
Justin Meyer's user avatar
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ArcPy MP won't save any changes

I am trying to write a script that sets up a basic Pro project to make sketches for work, but for some reason no matter what I do when I run the script no changes to the projects themselves are ...
Dawson Belk's user avatar
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Import qgis.core and tkinter in one application

I try to import modules:qgis.core and tkinter in one application, but I have a problem :ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter'. I add to Path: C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.20.1\apps\Python39 and I ...
user193923's user avatar
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Qgis 3.16.3 - tk package, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter'

I am developing a plugin that uses tk package. When I tried to import tk I got an error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter'. I tried to reinstall tk but it didn't work. I would say that ...
Omri's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make a GUI map in Python

I'd like to build a GUI for map like this one: but using OSM data. I know the syntax of Tk, but have a problem to put the map inside. Need some advices/tips ...
Markoyee's user avatar
-1 votes
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tkFileDialog.askopenfilename in python addin crashes ArcMap, how to avoid it?

I had tried to create an interactive tool that takes features selected in the active ArcMap view, allows user to pick a file and then attach it to selected features. However, everything ends at ...
Remigijus Pankevičius's user avatar
1 vote
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Earth Engine into Tkinter Canva

I'm creating a GUI in Python for a Google Earth Engine Application and this is the result so far. I can't figure out how to insert the map generated by Google Earth Engine into the grey area in the ...
Antonio Tandoi's user avatar
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Plotting TIFF File on tkinter Canvas

I have a TIFF file which I am trying to plot on tkinter canvas using the following code: import tkinter from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import ( FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk) # ...
RRSC NGP's user avatar
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Installing all pyqgis modules without QGIS?

I am developing a desktop program with python (tkinter, csv, qgis.core modules, etc), and the idea is to be able to install it in a client's computer. I have the pyqgis libraries because I have ...
A.T.'s user avatar
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2 answers

arcpy.Delete_management not working?

I've updated the code with the suggestions in the code but still not working. arcpy.env.workspace = r'F:\EGM722 - Customising GIS apps\Assignment\folklore.gdb' arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy....
Dakan_GIS's user avatar
1 vote
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Tkinter crashing ArcMap from Python Add-In [closed]

ArcMap crashes every time I try to display a form using tkinter from my python add-in button. Are there any updated workarounds for this? I saw this from before, but couldn't get it to work: https:...
anixon555's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

No module named Tkinter

I'm working with a QGIS plugin developed with Python. This plugin is running normally in QGIS 2.6 in a Windows XP, however when I try to instail this same plugin on QGIS 2.18 in a Windows 10, this ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Displaying raster image (tiff, img, hdf) using gdal, Tkinter?

I am building modis data processing tool in python. I am building GUI using Tkinter and installed various geospatial library. i have tried to visualize image using matplot lib but it is showing image ...
Sandeep Gaikwad's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

ArcGIS crashing with Tkinter? [closed]

When I run certain scripts (contains tkinter or similar python packages) ArcGIS crashes. When I load or copy/paste the same code and run it in a Python window it runs without error. Is there a ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
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Display a messageBox with an image in ArcMap

I wanted to add "ABOUT" button to a Pythonaddins toolbar the button should display a window that contains both of a text defines the authors and an image about the developer organisation. I followed ...
A.Adel Saleh's user avatar
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Using file opened by GUI in python?

I have these lines of code: import tkFileDialog, arcpy, arcpy.da, numpy as np, Tkinter import arcpy.mapping as mapping fc = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('shapefiles','*.shp')],title='...
Thanos Smar's user avatar
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2 answers

Python Add-In Dialog with Textboxes in ArcPy?

With Python Add-In Wizard I created a ButtonTool with which I: click in the map get the coordinates of the mouseclick-location in a dialog with textboxes I want to receive the coordinates in a ...
Franziska0601's user avatar
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Arcpy scripts run time dialog keeps deactivating tkinter window

I'm using tkinter in my scripts to get field names of the user in case the hard coded field names were not found in the target feature. it runs from python IDE, but when run from arcmaps toolbox the ...
Solaire's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to use Tkinter to open dialog box in ArcMap

The following script works great from the command line but crashes from the pythonaddin: import Tkinter import tkFileDialog root = Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() pathtest = tkFileDialog....
Brad Jeffares's user avatar
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Creating Tkinter dialog box in arcpy?

I would like to create a dialog box which pops up when the user click on a button from a Python Add-In toolbar. The user will navigate to their preferred file and select any shapefiles they wish to ...
Toronto23's user avatar
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Progress dialog box of ArcGIS Python script tool stealing focus from TKinter GUI?

I created a script tool in the custom toolbox, it runs like this: But the default progress dialog keep stealing focus from the Tkinter GUI, that makes me so hard to move/resize the OpenFileDialog, ...
Nie's user avatar
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Installing pygame or Tkinter for QGIS Python?

I have downloaded pygame and installed it. Now i want to write scripts and run them through the QGIS console that implement methods of pygame but when the console reads "import pygame" i get a ...
Stelios M's user avatar
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Showing attribute table of selected features using ArcPy?

Is there a way to show the attribute table of selected features using arcpy? Maybe in the mapping module? I would like to be able to select some features and then have an Add-In button that ...
GeoJohn's user avatar
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Prompting "parameter window" during execution of ArcGIS Python script tool (or model)?

I am pretty new to ArcGis and ArcPy, so I apologize if my question seems straightforward. However, I have been looking on the web for quite a while and didn't find any answer so far. I am using ArcGIS ...
vchapuis's user avatar
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Specify a GDB feature class using Python Tkinter dialogue box

I tried to specify a feature class from a GDB dataset through Python Tkinter tkFileDialog.askopenfilename. Below is the script. It worked for me in the past when I was dealing with .txt or .las files. ...
Alex JL's user avatar
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0 answers

User input and passing variables with ModelBuilder [closed]

I have created three modelbuilder tools that must be run in sequence. After running each tool, the user must examine several shapefiles and potentially change the input parameters of the next tool. ...
jgm_GIS's user avatar
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ArcGIS 10.2 with MatPlotLib Non-Blocking Plot

ArcGIS 10.2 ships with MatPlotLib 1.1.1 installed. I am trying to display a non-blocking plot window. Trials: Launch an interactive plot in a Tk window from a toolbox. This causes the plot to ...
Jay Laura's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I speed up my arcpy script?

I have written an application that does a lot of geoprocessing using arcpy. Once started, the application itself runs at an acceptable speed, but it is very slow to boot. It can take 30 seconds or so ...
Callisto_NZ's user avatar
3 votes
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TKinter to provide variables

I've been looking for a way to enter a unique field name into an attribute table for up to 40 feature classes. I need the field names to be meaningful, not just 'field1', 'field2' etc. For example, if ...
Sam Coggins's user avatar
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Conflicts using Tkinter/wxPython with Python AddIn scripting?

I want to design a custom dialog window where i can select various datasets of choice using scroll down option and specify some conditions and thresholds. Right now i am using python addins within ...
Ibe's user avatar
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Using Gui tools and arcpy.mapping? [closed]

For a project I want to create a little program that does simple things like export a map from the python command line, but also users are able to edit said map (without having to open arcmap) e.g ...
Nevi's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Developing GUI in Python for ArcGIS geoprocessing using PyQT/Tkinter/wxPython?

I want to develop a GUI in Python for ArcGIS geoprocessing. Can I use PyQT for GUI programming in ArcGIS? I have also considered using Tkinter and wxPython.
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I build a form within ArcMap?

I am building a file geodatabase using ArcGIS. The gdb is going to be distributed to dozens of 'stand alone' machines. End users are expected to populate the gdb with data. End users do have ArcGIS ...
BrianPeasley's user avatar
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