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4 votes

Is there a FOSS implementation for Discrete Global Grid System & Global Statistical Geospatial Framework?

Not yet. However, I agree with your interpretation that several are close and one of the OGC DGGS working group key activities is to establish a registry of DGGS implementations so this is likely to ...
jbosq's user avatar
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4 votes

Uber H3 DGGS: Table of largest hexagons per resolution?

We don't have a table like this, though we do have a ticket to create one FWIW. For max and min, you don't have to iterate over the entire grid. The smallest cells are the pentagons at the vertices ...
nrabinowitz's user avatar
4 votes

Why are my icosahedron triangle subdivisions not equilateral (PostGIS)?

Yes, this is due to the tiled icosahedron to-sphere projections. I think of this process as: Take a normal icosahedron, all corners lie on the same sphere, and therefore, the distance is also the same,...
Fee's user avatar
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3 votes

Converting line to set of H3 hexagons?

I think this is fine, with two caveats: You should preserve order by using an ordered data structure (and not an unordered set). You should allow for some repetitions by using a data structure that ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar
1 vote

How to obtain the minimal covering of a circle with H3 hexagons?

One option would be to calculate your polygon as you are now (though I'd probably use a popular geometry library like Shapely rather than my own circle buffering algorithm), but only with a buffer of ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar
1 vote

Converting line to set of H3 hexagons?

Solution above proposed by @alphabetasoup works very well with H3 version 3.x With H3 version 4.x you need to follow the migration documentation and make the following replacements: replace geo_to_h3 ...
SeF's user avatar
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Converting line to set of H3 hexagons?

I want to share a discussion from a Github issue. I think it is valuable regarding the question. Nick Rabinowitz said Your approach is what I would have recommended. h3_line has some limitations here ...
gman's user avatar
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1 vote

Converting line to set of H3 hexagons?

Same problem, similar solution. Only one additional step that seemed to provide a smoother / more accurate result (i.e., H3s that more closely follow the shape of the line). For each set of points ...
cal_mapper's user avatar
1 vote

How to use ISEA projection?

A map projection is a 2D transformation (in mathematical terms; in cartographic terms it is a conversion), from one reference surface to a plane (or to a developable surface towards a plane). For ...
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar
1 vote

How to use ISEA projection?

This is a Wiki (!), please collabore editing here... Or adding a correct and complete answer! Trying to answer The problem in "how to use" was the area calculation, so, the alternative ...
1 vote

Distorted h3 hexagons using h3js with Mapbox

Something is definitely off there - while H3 hexagons do have some distortion in various parts of the globe, and while this distortion is further distorted at extreme latitudes when rendered in a ...
nrabinowitz's user avatar
1 vote

DGGS projections with PostGIS or pgLatLon

PostGIS use, and recent PROJ versions has implemented some projections, used in DGGS candidates: PROJ v8.2+ added S2 Geometry's projection. PROJ v??+ added QSC projection. PROJ v??+ added ...
1 vote

Hex grid on EPSG:4326 globe (for use in Leaflet) - The library geogrid provides methods to generate and handle the ISEA Aperture 3 Hexagon Discrete Global Grid System (ISEA3H DGGS) using the Inverse Snyder ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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