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4 votes

Implementing PostgreSQL table trigger with GeoServer JDBC user service in Leaflet app

One, never connect GeoServer to PostGIS using the postgres user (or any other superuser) as it is very insecure and leads to the possibility of losing all your data to a malicious user. The user that ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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2 votes

GeoMesa Accumulo ingest via Oracle JDBC failed

Looking at this: Caused by: Error : 933, Position : 54, Sql = SELECT UID, NAME, CITY FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE ROWNUM < 2;, OriginalSql = SELECT UID, NAME, CITY FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE ROWNUM < 2; The ...
Albert Godfrind's user avatar
1 vote

JDBC connection fails: Unique index or primary key violation

Your H2 Database is broken: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unique index or primary key violation: PRIMARY_KEY_B ON PUBLIC.TILEPAGE(KEY); SQL statement: CREATE PRIMARY KEY ON PUBLIC.TILEPAGE(KEY) ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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1 vote

Disable JDBC driver SSL connection attempt with GeoNetwork/PostgreSQL-PostGIS DB

GeoNetwork doesn't require a SSL certificate for connecting to Postgres. It's probably the Postgres server the one requiring connection with SSL to allow to connect to it. Check the details about SSL ...
juanluisrp's user avatar
1 vote

Dependency issues when executing gt-imagemosaic-jdbc-23.5.jar to import tiles into postgres db

The image mosaic JDBC module was demoted to unsupported in April 2020 after years of neglect. The fact that the page you are following is for version 1.7 of GeoServer says a lot as we are currently ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k

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