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28 votes

Mosaicking Image Collection by Date (day) in Google Earth Engine

var poly = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon( [[[-76.0803, 10.8656], [-76.0913, 7.7436], [-73.1909, 7.7545], [-73.3776, 9.4273], [-75.2124, 10.9304]]]) var start = ...
Rodrigo E. Principe's user avatar
14 votes

Rasterio: tool for creating mosaic?

import rasterio import numpy as np from rasterio.merge import merge from rasterio.plot import show src1 ='/path/to/your/raster1') src2 ='/path/to/your/raster2') # ...
Charlie Parr's user avatar
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11 votes

Mosaicking Image Collection by Date (day) in Google Earth Engine

Here is another solution that does not involve iterating through days, but maps through unique dates (after removing seconds, microseconds...) that appear in the image collection. It also adds the ...
Igor Franzoni Okuyama's user avatar
8 votes

Pix4D vs. Agisoft Photoscan

You would have more control over what you are doing in Agisoft Photoscan, meaning that you would be able integrate various python scripts to increase efficiency and automation of processing in Agisoft ...
Selim Erguden's user avatar
6 votes

Geoserver ImageMosaic Creation through rest api with postgis granule indexing

I believe the reason why it's not working is that you named the PostGIS config file instead of Below are 2 examples (1 using Python, 1 using cURL) on how to ...
user8536725's user avatar
6 votes

GeoServer ImageMosaic PostGIS index update

IMHO the best way how to do it is via REST with the curl command. To reindex the whole existing ImageMosaic, use something like the following command (remember to set correct username, password, ...
Peter Kovac's user avatar
6 votes

Google Earth Engine: How to avoid gaps in date-wise image mosaicks?

At day one (2018-01-01) you have 4 images that the code is mosaicking into one. When you add the first image of the resulting collection using Map.addLayer(newcol.first()), you get the mosaic for that ...
Rodrigo E. Principe's user avatar
4 votes

Are Dimensions/Attributes Other Than Time and Elevation Possible

ClimateAttribute is an unknown keyword and will be ignored when the is read. The correct keyword to add additional dimensions to an Imagemosaic is AdditionalDomainAttributes. The ...
pLumo's user avatar
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4 votes

Geoserver - accessing raster data on separate local disk - permission issues?

file://D:\rasters\aerials\2008 isn't a valid URL so it's failing. You need to use file://D:/rasters/aerials/2008
Ian Turton's user avatar
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4 votes

Weighted Average of Band Based on another Band in Image Collection [Google Earth Engine]

Something like this maybe (reference): var viirs = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMCFG'); var viirs_2015 = ee.ImageCollection( viirs.filterDate("2015-01-01","2015-12-31") ); var ...
Nicholas Clinton's user avatar
3 votes

How to merge multiple geotiffs by the maximum value using

Because you are trying to ignore the NoData values in the input rasters, I suggest you either set the NoData for each raster before merging (in which case will ignore those pixels on ...
Logan Byers's user avatar
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3 votes

Rasterio: tool for creating mosaic?

Rasterio's rio warp command (see can be used to make image mosaics. With a little work you could use that function in Python code, ...
sgillies's user avatar
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3 votes

Aerial imagery showing in different colour while pan/zoom GeoServer

As @simogeo said, with 16Bit data, contrast stretching to 8bit is done automatically using min and max values of the requested area. That is not very useful in many cases. To keep a constant ...
pLumo's user avatar
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3 votes

Mosaic to Raster Tool in ArcGIS Darkening Grayscale Raster Output

This is normal when mosaic multiple images into one mosaic image. The data did not change, what have changed is the appearance of the final mosaic image. The original data have different minimum and ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.4k
3 votes

gdalwarp resampling method

Create the mosaic with gdal_merge (documentation here): -o merged.tif raster1.tif raster2.tif raster3.tif ... If the first image (raster1.tif) has a resolution of 0.05m, the mosaic ...
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar
3 votes

Making seamless and consistent quality of Landsat image after cloud masking and mosaicking/ median composite in Google Earth Engine

Like Jon pointed out, this is difficult. You get twice the amount of acquisitions for pixels where Landsat scenes overlap. When you are in a cloudy area, with little cloud-free data to start with, ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
  • 14.8k
3 votes

Google Earth Engine Image (Error) User memory limit exceeded. How can I fix it?

Your stackCollection function is an inefficient way to go about combining an image collection's bands into an image, and is not needed. You can use the built-in ImageCollection.toBands(), instead. It ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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3 votes

Combining single cloud-masked images using Google Earth Engine

The problem with the approach you tried is that image1.add(image2), a math operation on exactly two images, is only defined/unmasked where both input images are unmasked. Also notice that even if it ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the raster merge criteria algorithm on rasterio.merge?

The documentation says: "Input files are merged in their listed order using the reverse painter’s algorithm (default) or another ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
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3 votes

Using SQL View as ImageMosaic Store index in GeoServer

You cannot use a GeoServer SQL View construct, but you can define a view in your database instead (e.g. with CREATE VIEW myView as SELECT *....) and then specify it as the source of the mosaic index ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
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3 votes

Preserve GeoTIFF Metadata tags in GeoServer

That's currently not possible. The GeoServer WCS code itself has no idea where the pixels are coming from, it's all hidden behind interfaces, GeoTIFF, NetCDF or ArcGrid all look the same. Data goes ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
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3 votes

GeoServer - render ImageMosaic footprints

Yes, there is a rendering transformation that will do that for you, but with a couple of limitations: It's going to display the rectangular footprint of your images, not the eventual clipping ...
Andrea Aime's user avatar
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3 votes

Geometric median image compositing in Google Earth Engine

Geometric median is based on distance in all bands, and you're including all 19 bands in the distance calculation. That includes the distance to the bit-packed saturation and QA bands, as well as the ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
2 votes

Creating Store in GeoServer using ImageMosaic Plugin gives Error?

For me, it was spaces in the filename that I had to remove (GeoServer v2.14) and then it worked.
PeterS's user avatar
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2 votes

Removing black edges while mosaicking using ArcGIS Desktop or QGIS?

In ArcGIS Pro: Open the ortho layer symbology by left clicking on the layer. Go to the "Mask" header Click the checkbox, "Display background value". Make sure the two color choice boxes are set to "...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating Store in GeoServer using ImageMosaic Plugin gives Error?

It's been quite some time since this question was asked but I faced a similar issue today. In GeoServer Web UI, check the logs under About & Status > GeoServer Logs. It's likely that there's an ...
Sotosoul's user avatar
2 votes

using Mosaic to new Raster

There is a switch 'Mosaic Operator' which controls the order of layers. If you keep default which is 'LAST', the former will be overwritten by the latter as you assume.
o_7O's user avatar
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2 votes

Imagemosaic with CoverageNameCollector

I made it working, there were two issues with my The name of the Property is CoverageNameCollectorSPI instead of CoverageNameCollector. It was a typo in the docs, but got updated (...
pLumo's user avatar
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2 votes

Raster stretching on ImageMosaic with Geoserver

You can use a SLD Style, in particular a ColorMap in RasterSymbolizer to create a pseudo-color representation. See the documentation here:
Andrea Aime's user avatar
  • 17.7k
2 votes

Drone survey in coastal shore areas

Place markers like colored boards or buoys at reasonable intervals. Use a GNSS to record the locations of your markers so that you can use them as ground control points. Ensure that your images get ...
GBG's user avatar
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