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16 votes

Using Hyperlink URL in attribute table of QGIS?

Take a look in Action menu at QGIS documentation. You need to define an action, this could be open urls defined by a field. Open your vector's properties, go to actions and select + button. type = ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
14 votes

"\"-character is not recognized in field calculator string (URL field)

I could assume that you are working on Windows OS, is not it? Therefore, it requires doubled backslashes \\. References: Using QGIS Field Calculator to replace backslash? How to replace a directory ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 34k
9 votes

Using character \ (backslash) in QGIS Field Calculator

You can also use \\ if you really want to use that character (eg for consistent display purposes).
she_weeds's user avatar
  • 13k
8 votes

PyQGIS: setting layer styles with QML file from URL

Instead of loadNamedStyle use the method importNamedStyle. It can directly receive a XML document as argument instead of a file path. Creating an XML document is simply using QDomDocument::setContent()...
CodeBard's user avatar
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7 votes

Applying JSON style from URL to Vector in OpenLayers

The easiest way to do this is to use the ol-mapbox-style plugin. It has an API that allows you to use Mapbox Style JSONs as style for a specific layer (like in your snippet), but it also allows you to ...
ahocevar's user avatar
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7 votes

QGIS - Convert a text field to a clickable hyperlink, hotlink, or URL?

Go to properties of the layer with right click and properties This, show you a properties of the layer, find the option Actions and select the green plus This will show us a wizard to configure the ...
Jhon Galindo's user avatar
7 votes

Using character \ (backslash) in QGIS Field Calculator

You have to use / because \ is used to escape any special character. For example, file_name('\Layers\') returns '?ayers?' but file_name('/Layers/') returns '...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
6 votes

Extract URL from WMS in layertree in QGIS

You can use layer.source() and split the source string at url=: for layer in QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values(): src = layer.source() url = src.split('url=')[1] print(f"{layer....
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.8k
5 votes

Use SVG-file as point symbol in Geoserver

I have a bunch of OS styles that work fine using the following syntax: <Rule> <Name>Triangulation Station - 1:1,000 to 1:5,001</Name> <ogc:Filter> ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
5 votes

URL too long for adding WFS? How to make a shortcut?

You can just add it as a standard WFS layer instead of as an ArcGIS MapServer Layer (I'm guessing &SERVICE=WFS is cut out as you're already selecting to load it as a WFS layer): Layer > Add ...
Joseph's user avatar
  • 76.3k
5 votes

Sentinel2 : get JPEG200 bands only

Assuming you have the product identifier (22e2fbfe-0aa7-423d-b0b5-df46527f03f5) you can construct the query you want with a little parsing of the scihub odata response. The constructed img_url can ...
Kersten's user avatar
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5 votes

Test valid URL in QGIS

Here's what we'll do: use the Field Calculator to add a new field based on the URL stored in another field. We'll have to use Python for this because QGIS' expressions don't have the capabilities for ...
Spacedman's user avatar
  • 66.5k
5 votes

Creating hyperlink in the attribute table using QGIS

You need to do the following steps: Add a new field with the name Link or any other name you like, a type of string, and put the length to equal 300 characters since you have long links. Copy the ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.4k
4 votes

Add image in popup from json Url or image folder?

In your bindPopup, make sure the call to the GeoJSON property matches its actual name: var markerStyle = { radius: 3, fillColor: "#E4007C", color: "#E2062C", weight:...
swiss_knight's user avatar
  • 10.9k
4 votes

Using Hyperlink URL in attribute table of QGIS?

You have to: Add a text field (PATH for example) to table and place the url to the pdf in the that field. Then go to layer properties and go to actions and add new action Type = open, Action text ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 61
4 votes

How to avoid (occasional) 404 errors when trying to access Sentinel-2 images using pystac-client

I'm guessing the problem is that the catalog is returning images that no longer exist, or that don't have the same bands (B08 looks like) that you're querying for. Could also be some networking issues....
RedM's user avatar
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4 votes

Creating hyperlink in the attribute table using QGIS

Create a text attribute field, insert the URL. In Layer properties > Attributes Form tab, choose the field, set the Widget type to Text Edit and check the boxes Multiline and html. Open the ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 74.9k
3 votes

Adding features from ArcGIS Online to QGIS?

You could find the URL here - USA Mean Temperature services page provided by Esri. They do provide a URL - However,...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
3 votes

Sentinel2 : get JPEG200 bands only

I would recommend accessing data via the Sentinel-2 AWS Public Bucket. Users can search for files using the index pages and access individual or related sets of files through the Sentinel Public ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 51.8k
3 votes

Seeking documentation for {z}/{x}/{y} syntax in tilesource urls?

Short answer: Nope, it's just a convention. Long answer: They're called 'URL templates', and are related to the template processing functionality found in many programming languages. As of ES6 they're ...
meetar's user avatar
  • 431
3 votes

Adding cities and roads to Google Earth satellite connection in QGIS

I'm not sure exactly what you mean but Google offers various XYZ tile services with different themes. This URL is for the hybrid theme (roads and place names overlaid on imagery):
Matt's user avatar
  • 17.9k
3 votes

How to know what URL points to a specific tile when using a WMS?

A WMS has no concept of tiling or zoom levels. A client such as QGIS/OpenLayers can spoof tiling, by splitting up the area of interest and sending multiple GetMap requests. This can sometimes cause ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

QGIS actions with remote data

This is a syntax problem. You must enclose the path in double quotes: " and make sure to include a space after cmd. Thus the command to open a jpg file with an action looks like this: cmd /c &...
Babel's user avatar
  • 74.9k
2 votes

Geometry workflow from Shapely to GeoJSON

Decided to use the mapbox-sdk-py library instead. Works well but the pipeline from shapely to a map-able feature using the SDK is a little cumbersome (per this issue) Need to add some features to the ...
PeterT's user avatar
  • 134
2 votes

Which URL to enter to access Geoserver via a browser?

As @iant said, you need to specify the port in the URL. If you didn't change anything, Jetty will be running at port 8080. In my opinion, I would advise to run Geoserver in Tomcat instead of Jetty ...
Faustin Gashakamba's user avatar
2 votes

Dollar signs in QGIS map tip URLs?

Take a look at RFC 3986. It's heavy reading, but it should be the definitive source on whether or not the URL is valid. According to that $ doesn't need to be escaped / urlencoded. But I'm not sure ...
Steven Kay's user avatar
  • 20.6k
2 votes

QGIS - add Layer From URL (GetCapabilities)

You can get attribute information from a WMS by using a GetFeatureInfo request. A GetFeatureInfo request is a request for information at a point location (a pixel location in the map image). ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
2 votes

QGIS - Convert a text field to a clickable hyperlink, hotlink, or URL?

Another option: Go to the layer properties>attributes form and change the field widget type to attachment, scroll down the box and tick the "use a hyperlink to the document path". When you use the ...
Phil Barlow's user avatar
2 votes

Loading zipped shapefile from URL using PyQGIS

I've tried your second sample without issue and it opens behind the scene day1otlk_cat.shp As your remote zip file contained more than one shp, I've tried using full path to shapefiles to be explicit ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
  • 31.2k
2 votes

Loading GeoJSON data to Leaflet overlay?

Your data are not in the correct geojson format, so you have to parse it by your self: var fg = L.featureGroup().addTo(map); fetch("
Falke Design's user avatar

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