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Jaime Soto
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
12 votes

What was the rationale for the non-standard UTM zones near Norway?

7 votes

Smallest GIS library for embedded devices?

5 votes

Using Computer Games to display GIS data?

5 votes

What was the rationale for the non-standard UTM zones near Norway?

3 votes

USGS DEM Easting and Northing metric and unit

3 votes

GIS and natural disasters - examples of geo-visualizations and geospatial analysis

2 votes

Land Use/ Land Cover for Hawaii?

2 votes

File IMG from OSM

2 votes

Installing GDAL with Python on Windows

2 votes

What are the appropriate parameters to convert .asc file to geotiff using gdal_translate?

2 votes

Public reprojection services

1 vote

GPS Software for OSM data gathering

1 vote

Great GIS, maps & cartography quotes

1 vote

Any python script to convert a geoPDF to a KML embedded with a jpg link?

1 vote

How can I work with 3+ Gigabyte TIFF Files?