Can QGIS do automated spatial ETL? ... especially the automated point
I'm aware of tools like FME, Talend, etc. but price is a concern, so I'm looking for FOSS alternatives that provide spatial ETL that can be automated/part of a workflow
Also aware of ogr2ogr, but whilst powerful, it's seems to be just a file format converter, rather than a true ETL
An examples of the sort of ETL's we're looking at are ...
- connect to back office application using its SOAP web service and extract list of lampposts, including USRN (Unique Street Reference Number)
- query against LLPG database to get corresponding OS NGR for the USRN
- transform various lookup code field into end-user English
- remove sensitive data fields
- insert into SQL Server spatial table
- alert to configured end points on any issues
And these ETL's should be run on
- scheduled days, times, etc.
- response to external trigger