When I cut one raster with clip raster by mask layer
I get the expected result.
But when applying batch processing with the same vector file, and the same rasters, the rasters aren't clipped and the values are changed to 0
and NaN
The rasters are landsat 5 images, and the vector has the same datum.
Edit: I've figured out this is the gdal command used when processing individually:
gdalwarp -ot Float32 -q -of GTiff -cutline "some_shape.shp" -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co PREDICTOR=1 -co ZLEVEL=6 -wo OPTIMIZE_SIZE=TRUE "original_raster.tif" "clipped_raster.tif"
And this one is used in batch processing:
gdalwarp -ot Byte -q -of GTiff -cutline "some_shape.shp" -co COMPRESS=NONE -wo OPTIMIZE_SIZE=TRUE "original_raster.TIF" "clipped_raster.tif"
Why the differences?