I have two sf objects, precincts and elemZones. I want to make a mapview object showing the boundaries of both sf objects, and I want to style each sf object differently. My code so far.


precincts <- read_sf("precincts.shp")
elemZones <- read_sf("elemZones.shp")

  x = elemZones,
  legend = F,
  color = "black",
  alpha.regions = 0,
  popup = F

This only maps elemZones. How do I add precincts?

2 Answers 2


mapview used to have a function addFeature() that is now in leafem

m <- mapview(elemZones, ...)
leafem::addFeatures(m, precincts)

If you want to style both of them can do

mapview(elemZones, ...) +
  mapview(precincts, ...)

where the ... here refer to additional styling.

If you only want to style one of them you can simply do

mapview(elemZones) +

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