I have a column in an attribute table and I want to split it with the field-calculator in arcis in a way that I get everything after the 4th blank (space) in a new column:

I tried it by using !Kreuzungsname!.split(" ")[4]+!Kreuzungsname!.split(" ")[5] in the field calculator, but the problem is that some of the entries only contain 4 and not 5 blanks.

Is there a way to get everything after the 4th blank?

1 Answer 1


with python, you can do this:

" ".join(!kreusungname!.split(" ")[4:])

split to create a list, take elements from 5 to the end, and join back with a space between.

  • More generally you might want to take a look at list slicing notation in python. That's how you you say "items M through N" rather than accessing individual items one at a time. The accepted answer by Greg Hewgill in this StackExchange post gives a pretty good overview. stackoverflow.com/questions/509211/understanding-slice-notation Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 13:43

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