In Pyqgis after an "edit" button is pressed on my plugin, first I add google sat layer, then move it to the bottom, then I add a polygon layer and move it to the top, then I trigger editing and the add feature action. the user can then add polygons but they are invisible. I even have a button that will upload the polygon layer to a database and when I check the polygons are there but they will not show up on the canvas. Here is my code that triggers editing:
# Add google sat layer
service_url = "{x}&y={y}&z={z}"
service_uri = "type=xyz&zmin=0&zmax=21&url=https://"+requests.utils.quote(service_url)
tms_layer = iface.addRasterLayer(service_uri, "Google Sat", "wms")
# move sat layer to the bottom
root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()
root.setHasCustomLayerOrder (True)
order = root.customLayerOrder()
root.setCustomLayerOrder( order[::-1]
# Add polygon layer
self.poly = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon", "target_polygons", "memory")
pr = self.poly.dataProvider
# move polygon layer to the top
order.insert( 1, order.pop( -1 ) ) # self.poly to the top
# Enter editing mode
I have another function for when an "ok" button is pressed that will trigger:
iface.mainWindow().findChild(QAction, 'mActionToggleEditing').trigger()
and that will prompt the user to save changes. Also when I check the layer properties the opacity and everything looks fine. Maybe the polygons need certain attributes? I have also tried deleting every layer except the polygon layer and they still don't show up, but I know they are there.