I try to import a thumbnail for my layers, but it does not work. I have the impression that the path is wrong.
When I click on the eye to preview my imported image (cf capture), it opens a "http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/api/records/97471278-b3fa-486e-bc84-ae49e51289ec/attachments/limites_regionales_thumb.jpg" url. Except that my Geonetwork is running on a url that is not in localhost, nor on port 8080, but "http://monurlperso:8280/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home"!
If I try "http://monurlperso:8280/geonetwork/srv/api/records/97471278-b3fa-486e-bc84-ae49e51289ec/attachments/limites_regionales_thumb.jpg" I can see my image.
How to correct this, by modifying a function in one of the installation files?