I'm relatively new to ArcGIS Arcade but I've been trying to learn, with lots of help from Esri lessons and articles - also Copilot assists with some scripts.

Outside of one of the lessons learning criteria, I wanted to display a list of all power plants that intersect with a polygon layer and the counts for those power plants.

I managed to achieve this but then I wanted to take it a step further in associating the name of the type of power plant with the colour of its symbology. I know there is a way to do it by creating a separate expression and adding the expression to the pop up and building a list that way but the code I created it uses a Literal to define the list.

I created a dictionary with the colours that I want the values to return as but I can't figure out how to get it into the last if statement.

var PPInt = Intersects($feature, FeatureSetByName($map, "Global Power Plants", ["fuel1", "country_long"]));

var energyCounts = {
  "Hydro": 0,
  "Oil": 0,
  "Solar": 0,
  "Wind": 0,
  "Gas": 0,
  "Coal": 0,
  "Biomass": 0,
  "Waste": 0,
  "Nuclear": 0,
  "Geothermal": 0

var energyColour = {
  "Hydro": "a6cee3",
  "Oil": "e31a1c",
  "Solar": "b2df8a",
  "Wind": "33a02c",
  "Gas": "fb9a99",
  "Coal": "fdbf6f",
  "Biomass": "ff7f00",
  "Waste": "cab2d6",
  "Nuclear": "6a3d9a",
  "Geothermal": "1f78b4"

for (var feature in PPInt) {
  var fuelType = feature["fuel1"];
  if (energyCounts[fuelType] != 'undefined') {

var popupContent = "";
for (var energySource in energyCounts) {
  var colour = energyColour[energySource];
  popupContent += `${energySource}: ${energyCounts[energySource]} (Colour: ${colour}) ${TextFormatting.NewLine}`;

return popupContent;
  • Are you using Arcade with ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Online?
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Apr 15 at 22:27
  • This particular scenario i am trying to do it in a web map on ArcGIS online
    – ChrisT671
    Commented Apr 16 at 7:56

1 Answer 1


Use the Arcade element to utilize the html tags necessary to color the different plants (span and style). Note that there is a change in the first loop, which uses the HasKey function instead of checking if a value is 'undefined'.

var PPInt = Intersects($feature, FeatureSetByName($map, "Global Power Plants", ["fuel1", "country_long"]));

var energyCounts = {
  "Hydro": 0,
  "Oil": 0,
  "Solar": 0,
  "Wind": 0,
  "Gas": 0,
  "Coal": 0,
  "Biomass": 0,
  "Waste": 0,
  "Nuclear": 0,
  "Geothermal": 0

var energyColour = {
  "Hydro": "a6cee3",
  "Oil": "e31a1c",
  "Solar": "b2df8a",
  "Wind": "33a02c",
  "Gas": "fb9a99",
  "Coal": "fdbf6f",
  "Biomass": "ff7f00",
  "Waste": "cab2d6",
  "Nuclear": "6a3d9a",
  "Geothermal": "1f78b4"

for (var feature in PPInt) {
  var fuelType = feature["fuel1"];
  if (HasKey(energyCounts, fuelType)) {

var popupContent = "";
for (var energySource in energyCounts) {
  var colour = energyColour[energySource];
  popupContent += `<span style="color:#${colour};">${energySource}: ${energyCounts[energySource]}</span> <br/>`;

return { 
    type : 'text', 
    text : popupContent

enter image description here

  • Thank you kindly!
    – ChrisT671
    Commented Apr 17 at 8:48
  • It doesnt appear to be working the same as how you got it to work. I'm creating the expression in the Pop-up panel in the map viewer. I end up getting a table showing Text and type and doesnt seem to format the HTML correctly. <span style="color:#ff7f00;">Biomass: 0</span> <br/><span style="color:#fdbf6f;">Coal: 3</span> <br/><span style="color:#fb9a99;">Gas: 5</span> <br/><span style="color:#1f78b4;">Geothermal: 0</span> <br/><span style="color:#a6cee3;">Hydro: 12</span> <br/><span style="color:#6a3d9a;">
    – ChrisT671
    Commented Apr 17 at 9:03
  • This has to be added in an Arcade element, not one of the other elements (Fields list, Chart, Image, or Text)
    – kenbuja
    Commented Apr 17 at 13:13
  • Got you - works a wonder. Thank you!
    – ChrisT671
    Commented Apr 17 at 14:35

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