I have a blocking problem with the SCP plugin under QGIS when I try to load a .hdf file via the ASTER functionality.

When loading my hdf file (selecting the destination folder), I get the following error:

Error [37]: Unable to calculate. Metadata error

I know that the hdf file I'm trying to load is not corrupted, as this same file is being used by colleagues without any problems.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I have retrieved my qgis error logs and I got these 3 default lines:

#SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin_v7-master.maininterface.settings-testSNAPSubprocess 470 ERROR exception: [WinError 87] Invalid parameter

#SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin_v7-master.maininterface.settings-testSNAPSubprocess 476 subprocess: 1

#SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin_v7-master.maininterface.settings-testSNAPSubprocess 484 test: Fail

Any ideas?

Versions of programs used :

  • SCP : 7.10.11
  • Python: 3.9.13
  • Matplotlib: 3.8.4
  • Scipy : 1.13.0
  • QGIS : 3.34.6

1 Answer 1


solved by granting administrator rights to the file and uploading it from local disk only

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