I am using OpenGeo Suite 3.0.2. I created an app using Client SDK and stored the raster and vector data on postgreSQL/PostGIS.
The print tool is not working, giving error the following error:
Java.io.IOException: the byte array is not recognized imageformat.
These are the dependencies, I included:
- @require plugins/Print.js
- @require GeoExt.ux/PrintPreview.js
- @require GeoExt/widgets/PrintMapPanel.js
- @require GeoExt/plugins/PrintProviderField.js
- @require GeoExt/plugins/PrintPageField.js
- @require OpenLayers/Control/ScaleLine.js
This is the code I included for print service:
ptype: "gxp_print",
customParams: {outputFilename: 'DAA Map-PDF'},
printService: "/geoserver/pdf/",
actionTarget: "map.tbar",
showButtonText: true