I have a shapefile of city streets. I tried to run the Road Graph tool on them but the select box does not populate with the layer. I ran the Topology Checker on the layer and found that there are 2,000 pseudo nodes. I then ran the Dissolve tool on them and reduced the number to about 700 (these are pseudo nodes that are not in straight line segments in the layer).
I have also tried importing to GRASS, which fixes topology errors, but the layer results do not display on the map. Don't know why, tried several times.
Any suggestions for getting rid of all of these pseudo nodes in QGIS? I'm using QGIS 2.4, Chugiak.
This link: http://www.ian-ko.com/et/ETUserGuide/dictionary.htm
...describes pseudo nodes as
The definition of Pseudo node is "Pseudo nodes occur where a single line connects with itself or where only two Polylines intersect."
In QGIS, they look like points on the lines between legitimate intersecting nodes.