I did a new install of ArcGIS 10.2.2 today along with an uninstall of Hazus 2.1 and an install of Hazus 2.2. The installation seemed to go fine but when I Open Hazus 2.2 I get the following error:
Code = 800004003
Code Meaning: Invalid pointer
Source adtiRegion.DefineRegion.1
I can go through the region setup (with the same error appearing each time I hit the next button) Until I get to the State Selection Window, where I have no states to choose nor Counties to choose from in the following window.
I have no idea what is causing this as I followed the instructions included with the download to the letter.
As far as requirements go I am using the following software/hardware Core i7 Processsor Windows 7 ultimate (64 bit) 4 Gigs Ram ArcGIS 10.2.2 Basic w/ Spatial Analyst extension
I have tried reinstalling Hazus 2.2 twice and the results have been the same both times.