I am trying to show a .csv file (2 columns, 291 rows) in ArcMap 10.2 using Catalog window to drag the .csv file into ArcMap. The second column of the .csv is a floating point number (range is [0-1]), however ArcGIS is treating that column as an int. That is: I can view the column as numeric with decimal places in Excel, text editor, etc., but when I open the table in ArcMap the column is reduced to 0, 1 or null. All non integers are replaced to null.
How to I ensure that ArcMap 10.2 reads the column as a float?
I have tried the following, but none have worked:
Re-ordering the observations so that observations with decimals are in the first eight rows (since I believe Arc looks at the first eight rows to determine data type).
Editing the scheme.ini file to indicate column 2 has the datatype float. (But I may not be doing this correctly.)
Saving the .csv file with an alternative delimiter.
Changing the column in Excel from numeric to text.
It's not possible to change the field from int to float as implied by this question/answer thread: Preparing CSV files for use in ArcGIS Desktop? question/answer
Adding a text "dummy" in the first 8 lines (also suggested by Preparing CSV files for use in ArcGIS Desktop? question/answer) that is text (to try to force the field into text so that I can convert to float in Arc) also did not work.