I have tried to find any already available data on this issue but have come up empty handed.
I am using ArcMap 10.3.1 and MS SQL Server in a versioned environment, for inspections we are using a third party CCTV inspection software called pipetech.
I am attempting to check out CCTV Processor for ArcGIS Utilities (http://solutions.arcgis.com/utilities/water/help/cctv-processor/) I have downloaded all the data and models from the ESRI page and I have begun to change the parameters to my MS Access CCTV dump, etc... The cctv software (3rd party) we use for inspections writes its data to a MS Access database. The model from ESRI will access data from this DB and use it to tag pipes and create a NASSCO rating for the section (at least this is what I am assuming)
The model that they prebuilt for the tool is very complicated to say the least and I am having a problem figuring it out, when I change certain things I seem to completely crash the model.
Does anyone have a tutorial or help file that would help explain how the model works and which components of the model need to be changed?