I have a recurrent problem. When I select training samples from a subset of a landsat mosaic, arcmap crashes ALWAYS! Specifically it crashes when i try to merge training samples, sometimes when i try to visualize the scatter plot. My training samples dont have so many pixels.
Some background:
- I did a landsat multi-band mosaic of the whole coast of Peru (14 landsat scenes).
- I then kept only the coast by clipping with a mask that covered the first 5 km of the coast.
- I divided the coast strip in three parts (North, center, south) and finally in each part I identified and clipped all the wetlands (they are not so many). This last multiband tiff containing patches of wetlands is what i have been using to perform the supervised classification.
I tried ArcGIS Desktop 10.3 in two computers and the same happened, I reinstalled the Arcmap, i optimized my computer and I also re-did the mosaic. I am not doing very complicated procedures and arcmap always crashes.