PROBLEM: The functionality 'Insert your WMS/WMTS URL' in the 'Add a custom base-map' menu does not work and cannot be debugged properly.
BACKGROUND: Following the instructions at CARTODB MAKES IT EASY TO ADD THE PERFECT BASEMAP TO YOUR DATA VISUALIZATION I am attempting to add a WMS as a basemap. The WMS that I am using is dem_hillshades which I have copied from NOAA. Having tested the WMS in my browser (Chrome) and desktop GIS (QGIS) I can confirm that it works without problems in those clients.
ERROR: I am receiving the following error from 'The URL is either invalid or contains unsupported projections'.
First of all the URL is not invalid since it has been tested in the browser & desktop GIS and also having tried a GetMap
request using the same link and adding the 'SRS=4326' parameter which is what supports does not address the problem.
Any ideas of similar experiences would be more than welcome.