I was happily using html popups with QGIS 2.8.3 for various things including a showing a photo. However, I've updated to 2.18 to take advantage of other new functionalities, and now find that my html popup will no longer show the photo the way it used to.
This is the html I'm trying to use:
<img src="Camera/[%PHOTO_1%]" width=150>
The image name is in field PHOTO_1 and the image is in a subfolder named Camera (subfolder on same level as qgis project).
With version 2.8.3, the html provided showed the photo. With version 2.18, I only have a blank popup.
I've now tried it two additional ways without success:
<img src= "@project_folder + '/Camera/' + [%PHOTO_1%]>
<img src= [% @project_folder + '/Camera/' + "PHOTO_1"%]>