I am currently trying to reproject a large number (~14.000) of .hdf - files from MODIS Aqua/Terra from MODIS sinusoidal to something more popular (e.g. WGS1984). The files can be obtained from LAADS. The specific product I am interested in is "MOD04_3K - MODIS/Terra Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 3km" from Terra and " MYD04_3K - MODIS/Aqua Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 3km" from Aqua.
So far, I have tried the following:
- reprojecting using ArcGIS (does not give desired results)
- MODIS Reprojection Tool (does not support swath files)
- MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath (does not support the specific product)
- HEG Tool (does work for one file, however, throws "Error: Null not found.", when trying to batch convert).
I also tried to manually batch process the files using an online tutorial, which left my with an empty output folder. I also tried the R packages MODIStsp, which does not seem to support the specific product I need.
Two example files can be found here: CLICK
Does anyone have experience with that specific product or other ways to batch reproject .hdf-files?