I am working with GPM(Global Precipitation Measurement) satellite data which are in .netcdf format. When I open the data in qgis it is in a different projection and I can not overlap the shape for the region I am trying to analyze. How can I solve this?
The link to download the data is: https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=GPM%20DPR&page=1 Product:'GPM DPR Precipitation Profile 1 Day 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree V05 (GPM_3DPRD.05)' In the metadata: lat.resolution = 0.25 lon.resolution = 0.25 NorthBoundingCoordinate = 67 SouthBoundingCoordinate =-67 EastBoundingCoordinate = 180 WestBoundingCoordinate=-180
The option that I selected was 'precipRateNearSurfaceMean'.
CRS-GPM_3DPRD.05 file: Undefined; CRS-Shapefile: SIRGAS 2000, EPSG:4674