This is the generated log:

Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'Multilevel b-spline interpolation (from raster)' starting…
Input parameters:
{ 'DATATYPE' : 0, 'EPSILON' : 0.0001, 'GRID' : '/Users/PassifloraTsui/Desktop/study_area/ssTemp.tif', 'LEVEL_MAX' : 11, 'METHOD' : 1, 'TARGET_OUT_GRID' : '/Users/PassifloraTsui/Desktop/study_area/ssTemp_BSpline.sdat', 'TARGET_USER_FITS' : 0, 'TARGET_USER_SIZE' : 30, 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX' : '132.20166999999998,145.51116999999996,-21.831979999999955,-9.220450000000007 [EPSG:4326]', 'UPDATE' : False }

grid_spline "Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation (from Grid)" -TARGET_DEFINITION 0 -GRID "/var/folders/nb/kxpdv6xn68xbmxc5l_8rgbcw0000gn/T/processing_abf242d6ade948aaa3a64539df235165/dbc876f6b3d641d7ac65bc37ae745e79/ssTemp.sgrd" -METHOD 1 -EPSILON 0.0001 -LEVEL_MAX 11.0 -UPDATE false -DATATYPE 0 -TARGET_USER_XMIN 132.20166999999998 -TARGET_USER_XMAX 145.51116999999996 -TARGET_USER_YMIN -21.831979999999955 -TARGET_USER_YMAX -9.220450000000007 -TARGET_USER_SIZE 30.0 -TARGET_USER_FITS 0 -TARGET_OUT_GRID "/Users/PassifloraTsui/Desktop/study_area/ssTemp_BSpline.sdat"
'11.0' is not a correct numeric value for option 'LEVEL_MAX'.

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SAGA Version: 2.3.1

library path: /Applications/QGIS3.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/saga/
library name: libgrid_spline
library : Spline Interpolation
tool : Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation (from Grid)
author : O.Conrad (c) 2006

Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 5 [-GRID <str>] [-TARGET_DEFINITION <str>] [-TARGET_USER_SIZE <double>] [-TARGET_USER_XMIN <double>] [-TARGET_USER_XMAX <double>] [-TARGET_USER_YMIN <double>] [-TARGET_USER_YMAX <double>] [-TARGET_USER_FITS <str>] [-TARGET_TEMPLATE <str>] [-TARGET_OUT_GRID <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-EPSILON <double>] [-LEVEL_MAX <num>] [-UPDATE <str>] [-DATATYPE <str>]
-GRID:<str> Grid
Grid (input)
-TARGET_DEFINITION:<str> Target Grid System
Available Choices:
[0] user defined
[1] grid or grid system
Default: 0
-TARGET_USER_SIZE:<double> Cellsize
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
-TARGET_USER_XMIN:<double> Left
Floating point
Default: 0.000000
-TARGET_USER_XMAX:<double> Right
Floating point
Default: 100.000000
-TARGET_USER_YMIN:<double> Bottom
Floating point
Default: 0.000000
-TARGET_USER_YMAX:<double> Top
Floating point
Default: 100.000000
Available Choices:
[0] nodes
[1] cells
Default: 0
-TARGET_TEMPLATE:<str> Target System
Grid (optional input)
-TARGET_OUT_GRID:<str> Target Grid
Grid (output)
-METHOD:<str> Method
Available Choices:
[0] without B-spline refinement
[1] with B-spline refinement
Default: 1
-EPSILON:<double> Threshold Error
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 0.000100
-LEVEL_MAX:<num> Maximum Level
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 14
Default: 11
-UPDATE:<str> Update View
Default: 0
-DATATYPE:<str> Data Type
Available Choices:
[0] same as input grid
[1] floating point
Default: 1
Execution completed in 2.38 seconds
{'TARGET_OUT_GRID': '/Users/PassifloraTsui/Desktop/study_area/ssTemp_BSpline.sdat'}

Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>/Users/PassifloraTsui/Desktop/study_area/ssTemp_BSpline.sdat</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.

and I've checked the documentation of this algorithm in SAGA website, which said the LEVEL_MAX should be an integer, not a float number, however, QGIS automatically converts it to a float number, which leads to the failure.

1 Answer 1


Hmm - that's a bug in QGIS. Fixed for QGIS 3.4 here: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8344.

In the meantime, look for the MultilevelB-SplineInterpolation(fromGrid).txt file from your QGIS install folder, and change the line

QgsProcessingParameterNumber|LEVEL_MAX|Maximum Level|QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Double|11.0|False|1|14


QgsProcessingParameterNumber|LEVEL_MAX|Maximum Level|QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Integer|11|False|1|14

Save and reload QGIS.

  • OK, I've found the location of this file: /Applications/QGIS3.app/Contents/Resources/python/plugins/processing/algs/saga/description/MultilevelB-SplineInterpolation(fromGrid).txt Many thanks for your answer!
    – passiflora
    Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 4:34

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