I have a simple translation, from GeoTIFF to ECW in FME. It creates the file just fine, but it does not define the CRS for the ECW. When loading the ECW into QGIS I have to pick the CRS. When loading it into ArcMap I get Projection not defined warning.

In Workbench I have a GeoTIFF reader, a RasterInterpretationCoercer translator to add a transparent alpha channel, and a CsMapReprojector translator. The source GeoTIFF uses the NAD83(2011) datum, if I reproject to NAD83 the ECW's CRS is defined, but if I set the source and destination to the NAD83(2011) the ECW is undefined. The CRS is also undefined if I don't have the CsMapReprojector translator on the workbench.

I have tried to set the coordinate system in the ECW writer step but that doesn't work either.



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