I am creating a geodesic polyhedron using PostGIS. I am dividing the base icosahedron points (see Appendix A), into the first level of Class I subdivisions.
The setup
For simplicity let's take just the first triangle formed by these points:
id bigserial
, name text
, geog geography(POINT,4326) -- use WGS84
insert into pix values (DEFAULT, 'China', st_point(122.3, 39.1));
insert into pix values (DEFAULT, 'Norway', st_point(10.53619898, 64.7));
insert into pix values (DEFAULT, 'Arabian sea', st_point(58.15770555, 10.44734504));
Which creates the base icosahedron triangle
The numbers of the triangle sides correspond to the row numbers shown in the table generated by this query
select p1.name
, p2.name
, st_distance(p1.geog, p2.geog) as dist
from pix p1
cross join pix p2
where p1.id < p2.id
The points are roughly equidistant. There are small variances because the seed data above seems to have been generated assuming a sphere, not spheroid, which st_distance is returning - use_spheroid
in st_distance
will yield much closer distances, but note that using false
in all the presented queries does not change the problem described below.
First level of Class I subdivision
insert into pix (name, geog)
select p1.name || '-' || p2.name
, st_project(p1.geog, st_distance(p1.geog, p2.geog) / 2, st_azimuth(p1.geog, p2.geog)) as geog
from pix p1
cross join pix p2
where p1.id < p2.id
The above generates the mid-points of each of the pairs of points on the original triangle
And these have the following distances, generated by this query
select p1.name
, p2.name
, st_distance(p1.geog, p2.geog) as dist
from pix p1
cross join pix p2
where p1.id < p2.id
and p2.id > 3
order by dist
The problem
The distances of the segments 7, 8 and 9 (around 4000kms) are much longer than the distances of segments 1-6 (around 3500kms).
Why is this algorithm not creating something more close to equliateral triangles? Is my use of st_azimuth
and st_project
wrong? Or did I miss some more basic maths about projections of points onto spheres?