I have to write Features with more than one geometry to interlis. In the Interlis model there is a class which has an optional second geometry as an attribute. Enabling the (Oracle-) Reader to read multiple geometries works. FME reads point-features with its polygons. Now, how do I write the point-geometry as primary geometry to interlis, and the polygons as "optional" geometry to the specified attribute?
Attached you will find the interlis-model, the class I need to write is "InfrastrukturKnoten" with its optional geometry "Detailgeometrie".
Problems so far:
- when switching to Geometry-Type "FME-XML" instead of "FME-BIN" I get Oracle read Errors on non-spatial tables
- when switching to "handle multiple spatial columns = yes" at the Oracle Spatial Reader, I also get Oracle ORA-01002: FETCH auf ungültigen oder geschlossenen Cursor Errors