I'm trying to substract one layer with multilinestring lines from another one. However, the layer that I get does have some (parts of) lines substracted, but not all. Does anyone know another tool that I could try or know a fix?
I want to substract layer GBB_Bagpand (B, Green) from Gasleidingen_buiten_bedrijf (A, Black).
In the picture below I show the 3 layers (All multistring lines, but with different thickness @symbology for explaining the picture).
Black line is A, Green Line is B, Purple line Should be A-B, but clearly isn't.
EDIT: Suggestion to use Flat end caps in a buffer@ line B, before using the difference tool seems to solve 95% of the problem. Still looking for the 100% though, maybe it's the input values I put in the buffer?