I have (⋅)p1 and (⋅)p2, two geographic points (wgs84) with latitude, longitude, and altitude.
I need to calculate point (⋅)p3 in a specific distance (in meters) from (⋅)p2 along (⋅)p1 to (⋅)p2.
Any suggestion formula?
I have (⋅)p1 and (⋅)p2, two geographic points (wgs84) with latitude, longitude, and altitude.
I need to calculate point (⋅)p3 in a specific distance (in meters) from (⋅)p2 along (⋅)p1 to (⋅)p2.
Any suggestion formula?
If using QGIS, you can use expressions with "Geometry Generator" or "Geometry by expression" - see here for details.
The function extend()
extends the start and end of a linestring geometry by a specified amount.
If you already have a line, just use extend([line_geometry], 0, [distance])
to extend it at the second point. If working on a point layer, use this expression:
extend (
make_line (
geometry(get_feature_by_id(@layer, 1)),
geometry(get_feature_by_id(@layer, 2))
As your layer seems to be in WGS84, units are in degrees, so no meaningful distance values are possible. First reproject the layer to a geographic CRS apt for measurements in your area of interest - e.g. the local UTM zone.