I would like to ask for your help with calculating in simple way distance of points feature to one line (for example, what is distance of cities from the national border).

I see there were few topics on this question but I did not manage to calculate it. I tried to use Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) but distances seem to go in the direction of center and not in the direction of the nearest distance.


1 Answer 1


You may want to select your line using a different criterion, here I opt for the nearest.

To get the shortest distance between points and the (nearest) line feature, you can use the field calculator with this expression:

    $geometry,            -- the current point geometry
        'border',         -- the name of your line layer
    )[0]                  -- get the first feature from the array of nearest features

enter image description here

enter image description here

To get the distance to the nearest point on the boundary of a polygon:

    boundary(                  -- get the boundary of the polygon as a line geometry
        )[0]                   -- get the polygon nearest to the point

enter image description here

Note: lines and labels were created separately to visualise the result of the expressions

Get a specific feature using an attribute value:

                'countries',          -- layer name
                'NAME',               -- field name
                'Zambia'              -- attribute value
) / 1000                              -- convert m to km

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thank you a lot!
    – Guest
    Commented Dec 16, 2022 at 14:11

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