I have a polygon-shape in qgis-1.7.0 and want to fix overlays and gaps between the edges of adjacent polygons. See image below.

enter image description here

Is there any automated way to do this in quantum-gis? Or any other F/OSS that can do things like that?

Any hints appreciated! Thanks!

3 Answers 3


check out this video Vector topology cleaning with QGIS and GRASS.it uses GRASS Toolbox v.clean which @artwork21 has mentioned.

This video shows how to resolve a few common vector topology problems using GRASS tools of the category "v.clean" through the Quantum GIS interface.

i hope it helps you...


Import your vectors into GRASS (GRASS should be included in QGIS install) and use the v.clean module. That should clean your topology errors.


Solution in PostGIS “Spatially clean” geometries with ST_SnapToGrid() and Removing small spaces between polygons

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