I want to convert the VICAR data found at this ASU link to TIFF that I can use in ArcGIS Pro.
How am I able to do this?
I want to convert the VICAR data found at this ASU link to TIFF that I can use in ArcGIS Pro.
How am I able to do this?
Download data with the provided WMS request http://ms-mars.mars.asu.edu/ti16?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/vicar&WIDTH=2880&HEIGHT=1440&SRS=JMARS:4&BBOX=0,-90,360,90&STYLES=&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=TES_Thermal_Inertia_numeric
My browser saved the file with name "ti16". Convert it into GeoTIFF with gdal_translate. For advanced options see https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/gtiff.html, this is a minimal command:
gdal_translate ti16 ti16.tif
Open the TIFF with ArcGIS
. Please test if it works.
Aug 27, 2023 at 18:28