I am using mapproxy to generate tiles using a WMS endpoint. My mapproxy.yaml
file is:
use_grid_names: true
origin: 'nw'
- name: italyparcels
title: italyparcels
sources: [ItalyCache]
grids: [webmercator]
sources: [ItalyWMS]
type: file
directory: cached_tms
directory_layout: tms
type: wms
url: https://wms.cartografia.agenziaentrate.gov.it/inspire/wms/ows01.php?language=ita&
layers: CP.CadastralParcel,strade,vestizioni,province,codice_plla,fabbricati,CP.CadastralZoning,acque,simbolo_graffa,copyright
supported_srs: ['EPSG:25832']
I start a local server using mapproxy-util serve-develop mapproxy.yaml
. Then, I query for the tiles in a browser. To my surprise, http://localhost:8080/tms/1.0.0/italyparcels/webmercator/5/34/40.png returns a tile (with an outline of the Italian peninsula):
(Strangely, if I change tms/1.0.0
to tiles
and 5/34/40
to 6/34/23
in the URL: http://localhost:8080/tiles/italyparcels/webmercator/6/34/23.png, I get the exact same tile - more details here.)
I found this surprising, as both 34 and 40 are larger than 2^5-1, ie these X and Y tile coordinates are outside the usual range of coordinates at zoom level 5.
Similarly, 280207 and 333564 are both larger than 2^18-1, but http://localhost:8080/tms/1.0.0/italyparcels/webmercator/18/280207/333564.png also returns a tile:
I am aware that the y-axis of TMS points northwards, unlike standard XYZ layers (source). Nevertheless, I haven't yet been able to come up with a transformation which takes the tile ID 5/34/40
and gives me a square in Italy.
The WMS is also accessible in QGIS, so once there is a transformation, we can see if it takes us roughly to the right place or not.
Knowing how to locate arbitrary tileIDs will hopefully also reveal why it is not an issue that in some cases the X and Y tile coordinates are larger than 2^z-1.
I compared 5/34/40
to the standard webmercator tile grid, and I found it isn't a standard slippy map tile. The most similar slippy map tile is 6/34/23
, but it is not identical:
Question phased while keeping in mind the above-presented specifics: How to locate TMS tile 5/34/40?
Essentially the same question, phrased in a more general way: How to locate TMS tile z/x/y where y>2^z?