Linked Questions

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Multiple reclassification using RasterCalc in QGIS [duplicate]

Is there any way to perform multiple reclassification using RasterCalc? For example reclassifying value 1 to 100 in map Map can be written as: eq([Map]@1, 1, 100) But if there are multiple values ...
admonte's user avatar
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Reclassifying raster analysis (like the one in ArcGIS Spatial Analyst) in QGIS [duplicate]

I am trying to reclassify raster (DEM) in QGIS. I know how it is done in ArcGIS (Spatial Analyst, reclassify option), but I would like to know how it is done in QGIS?. The point of my exercise is to ...
Dragan's user avatar
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No cell value in raster file [duplicate]

I downloaded a .tif raster file from It's an Alos (AW3D30 ) topography file showing mountainous terrain in Sweden. On the very right the file contains terrain, and on the left a ...
marco's user avatar
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Reclassifying float raster using QGIS

I have three rasters which represent distance (in metres) from certain things (bus stops, parks, libraries). I would like to reclassify these rasters so that they get integer values based on the ...
Fezter's user avatar
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How to reclass a raster with reclassify grid values in QGIS?

I'm new in QGIS and I'm trying to reclass a raster with reclassify grid values. I want to reclassify by table, however fixed table has only 3 rows and I need some more, but button to add is not ...
Samuel's user avatar
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How to classify/style rasters correctly?

I am using a GeoTiff raster data and trying to classify it. I was wondering what are the techniques that I can use in QGIS to do this? The raster I have looks like but I tried the reclassify tool ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Classifying slope (flat, slope, steep, very steep) in QGIS? [duplicate]

I want to classify the slope of the DEM data, by dividing the slope by 4 classes: flat, ramps, steep, very steep. How to do this with QGIS?
syafrauf's user avatar
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Retrieving Elevation from Color in Raster DEM?

I'm fairly new to GIS work. I have a DEM in raster format, that is unfortunately not properly meta-referenced. In other words it has a legend where each color is assigned with the respective ...
Godforest's user avatar
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How to polygonise a large and detailed raster into a single valid polygon with QGIS?

I am doing research on the protected areas of the Amazon rainforest and I need to create a single polygon layer that has all the forested non-protected areas in one attribute row. I have tried using ...
TeemuK's user avatar
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How to replace the Nan or nodata values into 0? [duplicate]

I have a raster in .img format and i would trasform some values (Nan) into 0 with QGIS 2.14.3 (Windows). I've tried different ways but I didn't have results: 1- with raster --> conversion --> ...
Giuseppe Cillis's user avatar
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Export classified raster Class Values from DEM

I've classified an elevation raster into 4 classes. Is there a way to export these class values (0, 1, 2, 3) to a separate raster? I've tried exporting the raster to file, but this just gives the same ...
decvalts's user avatar
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Draw a mask on a TIFF file

I have a raster (TIFF file) and I would like to draw a mask on it. So, I basically create a shapefile and draw polygons on the area I wanted to mask. Then, I would like to rasterize this shapefile by ...
Lionel's user avatar
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Cropping raster and merge it to overlapping DEM?

I am working with an existing DEM of a river and its surrounding area in QGIS (actually a virtual raster from four separate DEM TIF tiles). My goal is to add a bridge's profile to the DEM. I have a ...
Nick Malawskey's user avatar
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QGIS saving raster styles as vectors

I am using QGIS for analysis of aerial images. I have used the properties>style menu to create colour-banding for my raster map layer. This created 2 colour bands - but I want to convert these to ...
Josh's user avatar
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Density slice/Colour slice in QGIS?

Can you do Raster Color Slices (like in ENVI) in QGIS? I.e. Where the histogram can be divided up into discrete units to represent different classes based on the values of the pixels.
AMK's user avatar
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