Linked Questions

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Put the start and the end name of a point object into the layer of the line object that connects them? [duplicate]

I am new to QGIS. I am given two layers with point objects. In their attribute table each of this objects has a code (name) given previously to it by someone else. Then I import the lines from AutoCAD ...
Katerina's user avatar
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Auto-populating 'from' and 'to' columns of a line feature according to the point features the line begins and ends at [duplicate]

Within QGIS, I have a 'cable' layer and within such layer I have the columns 'from' and 'to'. The use of this 'cable' layer demonstrates a real-life cable travelling from one piece of equipment to ...
joeliketoe's user avatar
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Get value from point layer based on start/end of line layer [duplicate]

I need to get a value from a point table based on the end/start point of a line. This is similar to my question QGIS Field Calculator Aggregation with a intersect query aggregate( layer:= 'Point_Clip'...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Automatize spatial join when creating an new feature [duplicate]

I'm working with QGIS an I have a polygon and a line layer. The polygon layer defines a certain area and each polygon has its own specific ID (something like "ARC1" oder "GZT2"). I ...
Stefan's user avatar
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How to automatically import field value of polygon to point field based on spatial query? [duplicate]

I have two layers, points and polygons. Point layer is empty. When I add new point feature I want to update it's field by values of polygon field if new point is within polygon. I need solution in ...
DrJacoby's user avatar
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Populating line attribute fields with attributes from point features snapped to their start_point or end_point

I have a line layer (MultiLineString) and 4 point layers (MultiPoint). My line layer has 2 attribute fields, start_pt and end_pt, I need them populated with an identifier attribute (string data ...
IKindaNeedAHand's user avatar
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Expression to fetch polygon value intersecting end of line

I have a line layer and a polygon layer. I'm trying to create an expression to fetch a polygon attribute and add it to the line, based on in which polygon the line ends. array_last(overlay_intersects('...
Bera's user avatar
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Find item from start point and end point of line

I'm working on a project that wants me to find the names of items at the start and end of a line. I have a point at each end of a line, these points all have a name. I would like to get the name of ...
snakey866's user avatar
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QGIS create line-layer from points, sorted by date/time

I have point data from telemetrie of a raptor-bird. The point-layer has id, longitude, lattitude and datetime-fields. Now I want to create a line-layer which connects all the points, sorted by ...
Björn Geßler's user avatar
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QGIS script for filling fields in attribute table

I want to write a script that will fill field values in the attribute table the following way: There are dots with attributes and lines I am creating. I want the script to use the field value of the ...
Anton's user avatar
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Concatenate points values in a field of a line

I'd like to know how to concatenate points values (attribute data), using fields calculator of QGIS, putting this concatenation in a new field of the linear feature which connect some points of these. ...
Mark's user avatar
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Filling features' attributes from line layer depending on what point layer is snapped to their start/end point in QGIS

I have LineLayer with "start_point" and "end_point" field attributes which can snap to either PointLayer1 or PointLayer2. Using the Field calculator, I would like to make an ...
IKindaNeedAHand's user avatar
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Get coordinates from a second layer

I'm using QGIS 3.16. I have to get coordinates from a line-layer (layer_1) and write them to a point-layer (layer_2). I cannot create the coordinates in layer_1 because i am not allowed to create any ...
docr's user avatar
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Join sub-catchment centroid using line and import attributes of it using QGIS Model builder

Input Data: I have a sub catchment polygon shapefile, which contain following details Name Description TG_ID Name of the Sub-catchment Hoehe Average height Slope Average slope UTM_x_m centroid x ...
maiyourathaan's user avatar