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2 answers

Showing tags (keys and values) when converting .osm to .shp?

I would like to use OSM data as shapefile so that I could do some computations. So far, I have successfully loaded the OSM file in ArcMap 10.3.1 using the ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap. The ...
sheinn's user avatar
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Extracting specific OpenStreetMap tags in ArcGIS Desktop? [duplicate]

The purpose of my research is to look into public ITS (Intelligent Transport System). To do this in a realistic way I need not only the city map but also the public transport routes. I work with ...
Aziz Feki's user avatar
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Editing OSM Networks in ArcMap

I have a shapefile containing paths that I want to add to the line file prior to creating my OSM network using ArcGIS OSM Editor. How should I do this?
AJIKenyon's user avatar
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Unable to install OSM Editor on ArcGIS 10.2.0?

Esri have provided installers of the ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap for 10.2.1 and 10.2.2, but not for 10.2. How can I make it?
Vincent Jiao's user avatar
3 votes
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Importing OpenStreetMap (OSM) to ArcMap?

I am having some problems with the import of a locally saved osm file into arcmap 10.1. I have installed the Arcgis Editor for osm from here:
Marian Pepa's user avatar
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Installing ArcGIS Editor 10.2 for OSM? [duplicate]

I want to use OSM data to make network dataset in ArcGIS 10.2. However, this is not installed successfully. It keeps telling me I don't have ArcGIS 10.2 that is exactly what I am using now. I think ...
TraGIS's user avatar
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OSM Data Missing Name Field in ArcGIS

I downloaded and loaded osm data into ArcGis Catalog using OpenStreetMap plugin. But there's no field named "NAME" in the attribute table. And therefore I cannot display the name on the map. Did I ...
GaryX's user avatar
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Using OpenStreetMap data in ArcMap?

I posted this on the OSM help page but it was suggested I try here instead: I'm new to OSM data and I'm using the ArcGIS editor for OpenStreetMap within ArcMap. The data downloads correctly but the ...
saulen's user avatar
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