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Render a Legend for a FeatureLayer that is not present on the map in ArcGIS JS API

I have a scenario with an ArcGIS JS API map where I want to create a legend for a FeatureLayer that is not currently loaded onto the map. Let's say I know layer the endpoint, and I call to get the ...
Seth Lutske's user avatar
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1 answer

Manage data versions using JavaScript for ArcGIS Enterprise

I developed a small web application that contains a Map view, and is loaded with features that were published. So I have (FeatureServer, VersionManagementServer). I decided to to add the functionality ...
ZZZ's user avatar
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3 answers

Finding documentation on ArcGIS Server's Tilemap API call?

While I was looking in Developer console, for a JavaScript App which was consuming a Tiled Map Service, I saw that it was making calls to an URL like:
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
2 votes
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ArcGIS JavaScript API: SEC7127: Redirect was blocked for CORS request after submitting geoprocessing job

Using the ArcGIS for JavaScript API 3.19, I'm submitting a job to the ExtractData geoprocessing service at: The ...
Jonathan Bailey's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How does the IdentifyTask handle proxy/cross-origin issues?

Background: I'm trying to perform an Identify against an ArcGIS Server layer, without using the ArcGIS Server JS API, and am running into issues which don't occur when using the ArcGIS Server JS API. ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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1 answer

ArcGIS map server not loading layer with ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I am trying to load the regions from here, but nothing is showing up. Is there something wrong with my code? <!DOCTYPE ...
Sabbiu Shah's user avatar
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Web Application and ArcGIS server are two different machines and unable to load layers using rest services

ArcGIS 10.2 server is installed in one machine which doesn't have public ip. My web application is hosted in another machine and IIS7 is configured and it has public ip. Both the machines are in LAN ...
venkat's user avatar
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ArcGIS API for JavaScript RouteParameters vs REST API

I have the network analysis service and I need to get the route between two points, but I don't want the single path polyline, but rather set of paths representing the edges it travels though (pretty ...
belzebu's user avatar
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Proxy error with ArcGIS PrintTask - AMD

I am trying to add a simple layer of security to my ArcGIS JS app. I do not want to prompt my users for a login to retrieve a token. So instead I pass the username/password inside this PHP proxy: ...
CCantey's user avatar
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5 votes
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ArcGIS Javascript API: Adding a shapefile with more than 1000 points

I am able to add shapefiles with less than 1000 points by using the ArcGIS Portal REST API as shown in this example: ...
CoreyMSchafer's user avatar
2 votes
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ESRI Online Geoenrichment POST

've been working on an app for a presentation and we are using ArcGIS Online to geoenrich Canadian Census Dissemination Areas upon the users click. The only catch here is that some of the polygons are ...
Gary.Townsend's user avatar
3 votes
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Is editing feature service through the REST API an okay approach?

I have a database that receives real-time data from alarms throughout the day, or on request. I'd like to create a web map that displays the "bad" alarms. My current idea is to create a Python ...
geogeogeo's user avatar
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Getting link or file from uploads folder of ArcGIS Server feature service?

I have succeeded in adding a file to arcgis server with the upload method of a feature service on arcgis server. But i can't see how to download what i have uploaded to. How can I have a link (like ...
g3r4n's user avatar
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using REST "delete features" in arcgis api for javascript

I am developping a web application that uses a feature service, what i want to do is save the data in the feature server, and then delete all the features at the start of the application. I am able to ...
Hamri Said's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Adding feature layer to ArcGIS Online from REST API?

I need to add a feature layer to ArcGIS Online account from code. i have created a developer account where if i want to create a feature layer i have to upload a CSV file and it makes the feature ...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
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Lat Long to State Plane conversion

I am using the ESRI javascript API and I have a set of lat/long points I need to convert to a state plane coordinate system. My spatial reference is wkid 3418. I can easily use the GeometryService ...
jimSampica's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I highlight a selected feature using the ArcGIS REST API only?

I have a .Net web application with embedded maps, using the Arcgis javascript API. For non-interactive maps, I thought I would just make calls using c# to the REST endpoints. This works fine for ...
tr3v's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Web_Map_as_JSON from latest esri jsapi?

I'm trying to do a print export using arcgis 10.1 and latest esri jsapi. Is there any out of the box way that I can extract out Web_Map_as_JSON from a given webmap? esri.tasks.PrintTask generates a ...
Charith De Silva's user avatar
2 votes
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Executing GP Task for JavaScript API

I recently started using JavaScript API in attempt to construct a web app. After taking a recent ESRI online course, I thought I had some base knowledge on how to do this. This geoprocessing service ...
Maksim's user avatar
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How to share a hosted feature service with an application on ArcGIS Online?

According to the ESRI REST API documentation on authentication, a registered application can log in to AGOL via an App ID and App Secret and will then have access to the data that has been shared with ...
Brian's user avatar
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CORS lets one ArcGIS JavaScript (REST) request through but not the other

I have a problem with Cross-Origin-Requests invoked by the ArcGIS Javascript API. I'm able to access my web app without any issues if I use localhost:8080. But a REST call (by the ArcGIS JS API) ...
Gautham Badhrinathan's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating a Map with Spatial filtered layer on the fly

I created a web application with User accounts. based on the User type I need to filter certain point layer with a selected cities region. Ie , when user log in, his accessible cities (city ids are ...
Shabeerali's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Programmatic authentication to ArcGIS Server secured layers via RESTful API

I have an ArcGIS 10.1 Server instance exposing secured mapservices on the Internet. My need is to code down a client application (which I am currently building using the 3.3 version of the ArcGIS ...
csparpa's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding field to ArcGIS Map Service without feature access?

I have published a mapservice without feature access on a remote machine only with a file geodatabase (shapefile on the disk). Because of limits of authority to create a spatial database(don't have ...
Vent Lam's user avatar
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Transparency using ArcGIS Server JavaScript API via REST

I am using ArcGIS server 9.3.1 Javascript API via REST. I have two map services , one is tiled service returns a satellite image , and the other is dynamic displays the roads ,POIs and Parcels. I'm ...
Mathboy's user avatar
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