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Updating z values from joined table using ArcPy?

I have joined two tables. The first table includes the current z values, while the new table includes new z values. I first tried to snap, but this didn't update the Z values, only X and Y. How can I ...
birks's user avatar
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SearchCursor not reading the last row

Let's say I have a layer made up of pre-selected features from another layer: selects = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management (S_FIRM_Pan, "NEW_SELECTION", "DFIRM_ID = '{}'".format(fipC)) If I get ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Updatecursor returns with 'variable not defined'

I am fighting a bit with the cursor function since this morning. Thanks to the help of the people here and some tutorials I found I got this far import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\Users\\...
four-eyes's user avatar
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arcpy.UpdateCursor setting value to 0 instead of Null

I'm having issues setting a row value to 0 when joining a csv to a shapefile. When the shapefile value is not in the csv, the row is getting set to 0 instead of null. This is a huge problem as i'm ...
Shane Armour's user avatar
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Update Cursor to Polyline Creates Records with Missing Geometry

I am working on an arcpy script to create a polyline feature class with a single polyline feature between each 2 points in a sequence of points. I use a search cursor to first create a table with all ...
spaine's user avatar
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Creating a dict with Search Cursor

I need to find how many routes are assigned to each account number in a feature class. I'm using search cursor twice, first to build a set of account numbers, second to get the number of times a route ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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Calculating well densities in selected counties using ArcPy?

I am trying to calculate: total numbers of wells that fall into each county in a shapefile, and update the county table with the total count. calculate the well density (how many wells there are per ...
goyo's user avatar
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Reading column line by line from table in geodatabase using ArcPy?

I have a table in a geodatabase. It looks like this: id table_na 0 1 ER_ASTENOT_ASTOTA 1 2 INT_ASTENOT_ASTOTA 2 3 ER_ASTENOT_ASTTOM It has more columns though. Can you tell me how ...
user10522417's user avatar
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Iterating over (selected) features by the same id

I have a feature class Test_NearestNeighbor_Code. This feature class has 7373 polygon features and a column/ field called osm_id. I want to do a calculation with all features that have the same osm_id....
Mr.Zab's user avatar
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Iteratively Updating Just Bottom Row in Table using ArcPy?

I see lots of examples of updating a specific column down ALL rows of a table, for example: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(Input_Layer, ['Column_1','Column_2']) as cursor: for row in cursor: ...
Waterman's user avatar
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ArcPy: (SearchCursor/export to tiff ) with no output [closed]

I'm trying to write a script that uses a search cursor to loop through a field in a .shp file (Incident_Z) find every value that meets a specific condition (zip code=10004) and then at a scale of ...
David Meek's user avatar
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Understanding UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec in ArcPy script?

I work with arcmap 10.3 and python 2.7.8. I have more than 500 shapefiles that located in many folders and subFolders. All Sub Folders are located in one large directory. I try with arcpy to detect ...
newGIS's user avatar
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arcpy.da.UpdateCursor updating field based on the previous row

I am quite new to python. As you can see from the image attached to this post. I have polylines with From junctions (fnode) and to junctions(tnode) field. My goal is as following: To update draw ...
golan's user avatar
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Updating Z coordinates of points in polygons with ArcPy

I am trying to update Z values of polygon shape with ArcPy. This script is working without error but increasing the first (0 position vertex) vertex twice. I want to update only once. How can I avoid ...
Ram's user avatar
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Counting number of instances of certain field value using ArcPy?

I am creating code that accesses a shapefile named Schools.shp. I data I am trying to locate is the attribute field named FACILITIES. Within the FACILITIES field I am trying to get values that the ...
A_Worthy's user avatar
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SQL statement (where_clause) does not work for UpdateCursor syntax but same works for SearchCursor syntax

feature class fc1 (daily data) and feature class fc2 (geodatabase) both have unique_id field which will be used to map Col1 rows in fc1 to update corresponding Col2 rows (not all rows) in fc2. Below ...
Kingsley Esezobor's user avatar

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