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How to apply Melt Area Detection Index to MODIS imagery?

I am working with some MODIS imagery for a project (I'm relatively new to remote sensing) using MOD09GA, and hoping to apply a melt area detection index (MADI) to images to calculate melt day length ...
user76818's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I subset image by vector layer using Erdas Imagine?

I have downloaded MODIS MOD10A2 8 day snow cover image. I need to subset this image. I tried to subset the image in erdas. it says the AOI layer is empty.
Ankit Tewari's user avatar
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Calculating NDWI in Erdas IMAGINE 2014

I'm using MOD09GQ product of MODIS to calculate vegetation indices in Erdas 2014, and I was able to extract NDVI using Erdas Model Builder. What is the formula I should use in model builder for ...
Ali Mokhtari's user avatar
-2 votes
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MODIS MOD13Q1 ndvi calculation

i have downloaded the modis MOD13Q1 from usgs glovis in hdf format. how i will convert it into original ndvi value by multiplying scale factor of 0.0001. I am using ERDAS 9.1 & ENVI 4.7. Can you ...
user33232's user avatar
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Conversion problem of projection of MODIS LAI from sinusoidal to geographic

I am trying to change MODIS data's (LAI) sinusoidal projection to geographic. Actually I did it. But when I reproject it by ERDAS, the output LAI raster moved about 10 km to west side of actual ...
Vandka's user avatar
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how to multiply and group values of NDVI in Erdas

I have downloaded the MODIS data for calculating the NDVi but the ranges of values in its attribute table ranges from -32768 to 9830 i want to club the similar values upto 2 decimal places and also ...
Rajat's user avatar
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split multi-band raster to separate rasters in ERDAS IMAGINE

I am currently using ERDAS IMAGINE 2013. I have a 28 Band MODIS image. Is there any way in IMAGINE I could split the 28 bands of the MODIS image into single band images?
Corse's user avatar
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change spatial resolution

I have two types of image, one of them is a TRMM image with 0.25 degree cells and the other one is a MODIS image with 1 km spatial resolution. How can I change my TRMM image resolution to 1 km ...
mozhdeh's user avatar
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3 answers

MODIS image reprojection/ change coordinate system in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have downloaded Utah state shapefile in NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_12N projection and also downloaded the MODIS image of the area (MOD09Q1) in .hdf format which has sinusoidal projection. the .hdf format ...
sowparnika's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

MOD 35 Cloud Mask HDF in ENVI

I am having difficulty getting ERDAS or ENVI to correctly read and display cloud mask attributes from MOD 35 HDF files. They files are displayed as 0-255, whereas I expected some kind of code 0, 1, ...
OCD's user avatar
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