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2 answers

Replacing header in Flexviewer

Will the index.html swf need to be re-compiled in order to embed the flexviewer app in between a html header and footer wrapper? Or it this perhaps handled in the HeaderControllerWidget.mxml?
2 votes
3 answers

Using the excludelayer tag in Flex 2.3.1 with a cached service

I'm working on our first Flex server page using the Flex Viewer 2.3.1. The Legend widget works, but I cannot get the excludelayer tag to work. Here's where the problem probably is - it's a cached map ...
0 votes
1 answer

Locate Widget for flexviewer 2.3.1

I want to exclude addresses to the state of Oregon. Pre 2.3.1 code was <listfield>State</listfield> <listvalues>OR</listvalues> for 2.3.1 ESRI says to use <fields>...
1 vote
3 answers

Changing the search widget link icon

I want to change the pre-defined red arrow link icon in the search widget to another icon: Where would I do this? It looks like the widget is drawing from the InfoPopupWidget.swf?
1 vote
2 answers

How can I add menus to Flex Viewer 2?

I have a lot of widgets and my dashboard in Flex Viewer 2 has gotten cluttered. How can I add menus to the dashboard rather than buttons to organize the widgets? Any help will be appreciated.

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