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How to modify the edit widget in ESRI flex viewer 3.0?

I am running ArcGIS Server 10.0 (sp2) on Windows server 2008 64-bit with IIS 7. I am using the ESRI flex viewer version 3.0. I have created a feature layer and published it as a rest service and ...
user1638200's user avatar
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Auto hide Attribute Table Widget in ArcGIS Viewers for Flex?

I'm trying to make a web application by using ArcGIS Viewers for Flex. I want that my Attribute Table can auto show up and hide by a button like happens on this site but I don't know how to do it. ...
Phúc Hoàng's user avatar
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Is there a way to programatically trigger popups using the operationallayer config?

I have a widget that queries a group of features, and I'd like to be able to trigger a popup that looks and behaves the same as the one that gets generated when the user clicks on the map. Is there a ...
Dan Monego's user avatar
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ArcGIS Flex Viewer charts widget

I have a problem with the Charts widget. I try to represent rainfall following the month of the year by stations. To display the widget mixture Charts month. There is a problem with the order of the ...
Pierre Weisse's user avatar
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Flex Viewer access to layout widgets

How can I get layout widgets objects dynamically? In case of typical widgets it can be achieved by FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.widgetManager.getWidget() , however i can't find a way to get to ...
Podtxt's user avatar
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Adding Print, Data Extract functions to published Geoprocessing widget - ArcGIS 10.1 Viewer for Flex

I have developed a pretty detailed geo-processing widget (based on a model I built and published) that takes user input, runs raster calculator and then clips the raster output to a boundary. The tool ...
Justin's user avatar
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Related records in a published service

I have published a GIS service with a relation to a table view (in ArcMap I created a "relate" between the point shapefile and the table and the related records all show up here - then I did "share as ...
user39359's user avatar
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ArcGIS Viewer for Flex - map won't display in preview tab

I'm new to ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and ArcGIS for Server, so far I have been able to get past the point where I get to choose my base map and operational layers from the ArcGIS for Server 10.2. I can ...
Ferhan Kemal's user avatar
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Data extract widget - Flex

I have successfully created a data extract widget. It works great. I would now like to be able to set a limit say of 5000sqm or something. I have seen other sites do this. They have a message pop up ...
louise's user avatar
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Map Service Works in Flex, Won't Display using JavaScript

As the title states, a map service published on my server displays and can be identified just fine when added to a web map in Viewer for Flex. I am slowly learning to use the API for JavaScript. My ...
dubch87's user avatar
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How to change language direction from left to right in arcgis viewer for flex in layer list widget?

I have created my web map app using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and want to change the direction of layer names in the layer list to the Arabic language direction (i.e. right to left; as below) my web ...
GIS Man's user avatar
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Configuring output table popup for geoprocessing widget

I have built a simple geoprocessing widget that produces a table (record set) as its final product. I am trying to simply change how and which fields are displayed. I am using Flex Viewer 3.5 and Arc ...
ACrain's user avatar
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Flex Viewer: How do I return a subset of the input data using the geoprocessing widget?

I have a set of point data (representing crashes) that has been published as a feature service and which I have pulled into a Flex (3.5) application. I want the users to be able to submit a query and ...
Callisto_NZ's user avatar
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CompositeSymbol that includes TextSymbols and SimpleFillSymbol does not draw map

Following is the code snippet that does not draw both TextSymbols. private function MapClick(evt:MapMouseEvent):void { var cs:CompositeSymbol = new CompositeSymbol(); ...
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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Access Geoprocessing results in Flex Viewer (Enhanced) Search Widget

I have Robert Scheitlin's Enhanced Search Widget up and running successfully with my MapService using ArcGIS Server and Flex Viewer 2.3. I also have a geoprocessing service that returns a point layer ...
emart88's user avatar
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Flex popup from outside resource weather warnings

I am using the USGS service of NHSS NOAA weather warnings in an application. I have the service displaying in my map using The ...
Brad Nesom's user avatar
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Help needed for extended symbol

I am trying to extend Symbol class in ARGIS Flex API. this is my widget named TestWidget and here is the extended symbol class named ...
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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How can I draw custom shapes on Graphics layer?

Hello everyone I need help. Any clue, guidance or help that would be appreciated, please bear with me as I am still struggling with Flex 4. What is the simplest way to draw custom shapes using < s ...
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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How to draw curves in Flex Viewer?

I want to draw curves from a given point to another in Sample Flex Viewer like shown below. Any help?
Omega Cancer's user avatar
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Geoportal Server 1.1.1 search widget for Flex 2.5

Does anyone one know where I can get the Geoportal Server 1.1.1 search widget for Flex 2.5? I have been tasked with installing this to an existing geoportal server and Flex viewer does anyone know ...
jay's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

I need your help on flexviewer,when I want to test the flexviewer I describe the following path: "C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ flexviewer" on my default browser "google chrome" but an error mssage ...
zanady's user avatar
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