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Questions tagged [gdalinfo]

Commandline utility to list information about raster data.

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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gdalinfo on NetCDF - cell centers or edges?

I was given a NetCDF file and the gdalinfo result for it shows this: NC_GLOBAL#XORIG=-126.0800018310547 NC_GLOBAL#YORIG=41.45000076293945 The gdalinfo command is showing the lower-left cell in the ...
David A's user avatar
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Load gzipped HDF5 layer without decompressing using GDAL

I am interested in loading a VIIRS raster that's contained in a gzipped H5 file, but I get an error. I am using the following command to get the info: gdalinfo HDF5:"/vsigzip/imagery/viirs/test3/...
Nikos's user avatar
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GDAL : transfer metainformation

I'm using Agisoft Photoscan 1.4.2 to build DEM from UAV photos and in last versions thay produce DEM multipage tiff format and I want to convert it to tiff with metainformation preserved. According ...
mrgloom's user avatar
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GDAL c# API returned different WKT from gdalinfo

I've found completely different results in WKT strings while using gdalinfo utility and method from c# API GetProjectionRef(). In the first case the result was: PROJCS["WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator", ...
Konstantyn Alexandrov's user avatar
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How to add Geo PDF header to a PDF rendered with mapnik?

I rendered a PDF with mapnik and I am now trying to add geospatial header information to the PDF. I tried the method add_geospatial_pdf_header() from mapnik.printing.PDFPrinter. I do get some Geo PDF ...
thieumap's user avatar
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How to debug failing gdalinfo /viscurl?

A gdalinfo is failing as it is stopping forever after naming the Driver: $ gdalinfo "/vsicurl/" Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF When I download the ...
motorama's user avatar
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GDAL: wrong corner coordinates from KNMI grib file

I'm trying to parse KNMI grib files to extract weather forecasts for The Netherlands. I use gdal.netcore which is a .NET wrapper for gdal 3.2.0. On the website of KNMI they say the following: ...
Carpenter's user avatar
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How to use GDAL /vsizip/ to access GML file(s) from Sentinel-2 zip package

Which is the correct way to write the path through the *.Zip S2 imagery package to rich the *.GML vector file(s) ? Does someone knows how to correctly write the path to *.GML file for using it with /...
George's user avatar
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gdalinfo returns PROJCS["unnamed"] but QGIS returns the correct projection

I'm trying to understand why my gdalinfo call to a specific file returns "unnamed" for the PROJCS node. The call looks like this: ./gdalinfo /path/to/file/dem.tif. Output (notice the "unnamed"): ...
cosmarc's user avatar
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Why gdalinfo don't show subdatasets in sentinel-2 imageries?

In this article Sentinel-2 products have 'Subdatasets' where I can open the 10 meters resolution bands. But in some imageries there isn't this sector. For example in imagery 'de4388a9-13e1-4c5c-affe-...
FriendsKenny's user avatar
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gdalinfo corner coordinates off file

When running gdalinfo on an SRTM file, I get the corner coordinates. However, when I attempt to get the elevation at those coordinates using gdallocationinfo -wgs84 file.hgt {corner coordinates} I get ...
user985030's user avatar
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Changing Ascii grid file inside a GeoJSON polygon

I have a Digital Terrain Model ASCII grid file that gdalinfo recognizes as AAIGrid. Its resolution is 2m. I need to alter it simulate the construction of an embankment, so as to feed it to a modelling ...
Btz's user avatar
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Does gdalinfo report tifftag_datetime capture date?

Is gdalinfo meant to report the date a geotiff was captured? When I run it in qgis the tifftag_datetime seems to report the date it was saved to disk, rather that capture/creation date. Is there a ...
Justin's user avatar
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Origin line in gdalinfo output

I am a novice when it comes to GIS systems and information. But, I am having a real problem trying to wrap my brain around a specific value that gdalinfo puts out. Here is what gdalinfo shows from my ...
Brad Walker's user avatar
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How to detect whether a sparse RGBi GeoTIFF is empty using GDAL CLI?

The solution from this question doesn't seem to work with a sparse RGBi GeoTIFF - the last channel is considered valid even though it's empty: ❯ gdalinfo -json empty.tiff | \ jq --raw-output '.bands[...
l0b0's user avatar
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Reading Gdal info

I georeferenced a .tif image (image 1) using QGIS software following the Irish Grid System [EPSG:29903]. After I georeferenced. I see that the image shape is changed (image 2). Image 1 Image 2 Then ...
0xMinCha's user avatar
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Difference in pixel size between gdalinfo and gdal2tiles

I'm getting two different pixel size values, does anyone know what is the reason for this issue? From gdalinfo: From GDAL version: 3.20
Daniel Shlomo's user avatar
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Can't use GDAL with Python for opening *.GML file (vector file) from Sentinel-2 (L2A type) imagery *.zip archive

I'm trying to use GDAL 3.0.4 to open some of the *.gml files directly from the Sentinel-2 *.zip archive with following lines: gml_path = f'GML:/vsizip//s2zip_path/path_to_GML_file' gml_ds = gdal.Open(...
George's user avatar
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