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Enable input DMS option in ArcMap while georeferencing

I am a newbie to ArcMap. I tried to georeference a map in JPEG format using the "input DMS..." option. But it is grayed out, the only option available is to choose X, and Y coordinates even ...
karim abousselham's user avatar
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Visualizing SAR images of moon

I have SAR images of a region on the Moon in GeoTIFF format. When opened in ArcMap, an image looks like: With the metadata: How can I geo-reference them to visualize properly? I also have an ...
shrippi's user avatar
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Divide raster map into segments, maintaining georeference in ArcMap

I have some historical maps so heavily distorted that usual rubbersheeting is possible but already quite problematic. I need 400 control points and more, and performance is abysmal, and "local&...
Wernazuma's user avatar
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Georeferencing Control Points Aren't Saving

I have some CAD data that needs to be georeferenced. I create my first control point, and everything goes well, the drawing shifts to the correct control point. As soon as I try to create a second ...
Katie B.'s user avatar
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Rectifying data source for MXD file using ArcMap

I tried to rectify my data source on ArcMap but was unable to locate my data file which is an MXD file. How can I rectify the data source for an MXD file ?
Collinx's user avatar
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Using ArcMap georeferencing in AutoCAD

I am working on a project in ArcMap. I added an auto cad .dwg to my map, and in ArcMap, and I Georeferenced this .dwg file. So now the DWG drawing is moved to be exactly on my drawing in ArcMap. I ...
biso hbb's user avatar
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Displaying raster images that are already georeferenced in QGIS

I have a number of historical surveys that I have already digitized, georeferenced, and clipped using ArcMap 10.6.1. My office wants to try using QGIS but I am completely new to the software. Both ...
eden3's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Georeferencing in ArcMap?

I am new to ArcMap. I have bistatic MiniRF data. This data is not georeferenced. I want to make this georeference. Correspondence to each pixel, I have one latitude and longitude information in ...
Nidhi Verma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Perform Spatial Adjustment or Georefenced using two ArcMaps?

I have DWG files that need to be georeferenced to a known coordinate system because they were from AutoCAD that doesn't have projected coordinate system. I have an JPEG file that I extracted from a ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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