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Georeference vector based on same data as raster?

It sounds complicated, but this approach would be quite simple. I'm just not sure, if I can solve my problem in this easy way. I have a raster image and a set of vector data, that are all not ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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Visio to CAD to GIS, How to geo-reference? [closed]

I have CAD file converted from a MS Visio diagram, representing power line cables. Data source has no spatial reference. I converted into shapefile and now I am trying to georeference the vector ...
Fflavioo's user avatar
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Perform Spatial Adjustment or Georefenced using two ArcMaps?

I have DWG files that need to be georeferenced to a known coordinate system because they were from AutoCAD that doesn't have projected coordinate system. I have an JPEG file that I extracted from a ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Georeferencing/Spatial Adjusting of vector river dataset to DEM in ArcGIS

I have a huge dataset of vector river data (over 10'000 rivers) which are saved in a shapefile and were initially derived from a topographic map. However when comparing this vector to DEM data (SRTM ...
redshoe's user avatar
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Fitting polylines to their true position using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a satellite image and CAD data of the same area. The polylines from CAD to not overlay correctly on the satellite image. I want to fix polylines to their true coordinates but I could not fix ...
Güney Uzunboz's user avatar
12 votes
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Georeferencing shapefile using ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have a shapefile with some polygons that I would like to superimpose to a raster image, but unfortunately they don't match perfectly due to the reference system the shp has been created with. So, I ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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