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How to calculate the area of each grid cell of a raster in Python?

I have a square raster of size, let's say, 100x100 cells, with each cell being 200m X 200m. This raster is not in an equal-area projection, but is centered on the North Pole, meaning the actual area ...
Marcus K.'s user avatar
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Join a raster file with grid data and a CSV file

I am a relatively new user of QGIS and encoutered a first major problem. I am working with this dataset that converts the available geocoordinates into the European standard ETRS89-LAEA.This is a grid ...
MackieLeslie's user avatar
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Reproject raster from rectilinear LCC to rectilinear GK

I have many climate raster (netcdf) in a rectilinear grid in LCC projection (EPSG 3034) and I want to reproject it with python to a local Gauß Kryger projection (31467). Reprojecting every raster ...
PDistl's user avatar
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How to show pixel boundaries of a given raster in QGIS?

The Norwegian Meterological Institute provides historical weather data. I download one of these .nc files: curl
zabop's user avatar
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Create a grid for more than one country in R

Some time ago I posted my own answer to create a grid inside a country to be used in kriging interpolation: 0........0.kriging error messages, grid file problem ? (automap, gstat) This grid was for ...
Maria Eugenia D'Amato's user avatar
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Linear regression analysis in R [closed]

I would like to conduct a simple linear regression analysis in R with two grids. So I have two Raster images of the same region and I need to do a regression analysis, but I struggle with doing that. ...
Ronja Kelch's user avatar
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Points interpolation on a polygon geometry

I would like to know how to interpolate point data on a polygon geometry. I have two PostGIS tables: the first one contains hourly rain values evaluated in the nodes of a regular grid (specified in a ...
Sara's user avatar
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Raster brick from raster masks by sectors (R)

The goal is to divide a raster file into quadrants in order to make some computation in each. I'd like to split the raster and create a raster brick with those parts. I don't need to get perfect clips ...
César Arquero Cabral's user avatar
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Raster Polygon Overlay Analysys

I have a fishnet polygon feature class and a land cover (40 categories) raster. Both cover a large area. I seek to: a) calculate the area of each land cover type category (40) inside of each Grid ...
Abel's user avatar
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What is the difference between a N96 and N96e grid space?

Global land-use and meteorological raster datasets are often gridded using N96 or N96e grids. I suspect that they are slightly different but I cannot find information on how they differ. Both split ...
geordie's user avatar
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Map gridded rainfall data to lat-longs and extract daily rainfall data? [closed]

My objective is to create a dataset, wherein for certain locations (lat-longs) I need to report daily rainfall from 1950 to 2017. Rainfall data source: Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) daily ...
Nivedita Mantha's user avatar
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Interpolation of data points

I have a layer of points that represent bus stops. Each point has a value (quality of service, between 0 and 100). I need to create a grid (resolution 25m) by interpolating the points values. For ...
Romain's user avatar
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How to cover data by circles, limited by a maximum of values?

I have a regular grid with a cell width of 200 meters (available as raster and vector data set). Each cell has a value from 0 to 2000. I now want to draw circles around these cells in such a way ...
Martin Weber's user avatar
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Spatial grids over a shapefile or spatialpolygonsdataframe

I want to create a grid of 4 by 4km and then place it on a shapefile that I converted to a raster. The final product is a plot of my study area and my set of coordinates inside this created grids on ...
unicorn's user avatar
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Add gridlines to projected map in R

I am producing some maps to include in a publication. However, I am not able to include a graticule on my plot such that it resembles that in the image shown below. The image is projected but still ...
code123's user avatar
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How to choose the grid node that falls in Germany from gridded estimated climate data in R? [duplicate]

I am newbie to deal with climate data, so let me go straight with my question. I downloaded data from climate data which asked me to register first before accessing their dataset, and those data are ...
Hamilton's user avatar
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Raster from grid shape

I have a .shp file from a grid. I read it and calculate the centroids. This data.frame has the latitude, longitude and some numbers in order making reference to the id of the grid's square. Something ...
user113261's user avatar
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QGIS - Calculate Highest Elevation within 1 degree grid

I have downloaded country raster elevation data from Diva-GIS and added 1 degree grid from "View >> Decorations >> Grid" as seen in the image below. Now, I want to know the highest elevation within ...
userPyGeo's user avatar
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How I can find raster angle in ArcGIS

I have a raster layer in ArcGIS with specific extent. How can I be able to find the angle of this raster frame? Because I create fishnet but it is like a rectangular area and does not match to ...
user103835's user avatar
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calculating a volume from points [closed]

I am trying to calculate the amount of water in this reservoir. The green dots are water depths in meters (possitive value). The water depth at the edges of the reservoir is 0. How can this be done ...
pix4bob's user avatar
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GDAL gdalwarp usage on QGis - how to set cell position of the clipped raster to be equal to the origin of the source cell

I work on a Windows QGis 2.14 platform. I need to clip a raster with a vectorial polygon. When I use gdalwarp I cannot find where is the setting for establishing the output graticule position respect ...
danielao222's user avatar
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Automatic add/load raster layer within selected polygon [closed]

Is it possible to automatic load/add georeferenced raster by selecting a polygon in a grid or by making a selection in a map. Perhaps it is possible to make at tool with modelbuilding?
Slash2000's user avatar
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GDAL grid produces NoData

I have a series of text files that represent X,Y,Z elevation data. I'm trying to use the GDAL grid command line tool to convert these text files to raster GeoTIFs. My files are space delimited and so ...
narmaps's user avatar
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Mapping raster values to nearest grid cell on a polyline

I'm not sure if the following task is possible in ArcGIS, or whether I need to use something like MatLab - I wondered whether the community could possibly advise if it is possible, and if so, what ...
GneissDay's user avatar
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Defining number of cells in sample grid for IDW?

I'm trying to make IDW in R. In my tutorial, I found this approach which is easily understandable, expect of one point - why they used n = 6000 ? How did they established the value to create a grid ...
maycca's user avatar
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Grid size of a Digital Elevation Model developed from topographic surveyed elevation contour line?

I have generated a Digital Elevation Model from elevation contour line. I got these elevation contour line at 20 cm interval from DGPS survey. What would be the grid size of generated DEM in "m". ...
dsbisht's user avatar
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Grid buffer in QGIS [duplicate]

I do have a raster file (grid) which I have processed before with the SAGA kriging tool. Is it possible to buffer this raster file a little bit (expanding the interpolated result) of 1 or 2 grids? I ...
Pimpel's user avatar
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Points to raster - interpolation

I have a point layer with soil values. How can I get a raster layer with different classes of values, since there are areas without point sampling, what´s the best way to have a regular cover of the ...
Maria silva's user avatar
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Zonal statistics shifted

I am working with QGIS (newbie). I have a raster map with 0.5degrees resolution. I created a 0.5degrees width grid layer and I compute zonal statistics from the raster. My problem is that it seems to ...
Keizer's user avatar
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QGIS 2.10, csv points to vector grid

I have a series of point data from a .csv file that I would like to display as a heatmap raster, the .csv data have various attributes with them and I would like to adjust the color ramp based on ...
hselbie's user avatar
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How to calculate zonal statistics from multi-band raster with no attribute table

I have a raster image (.tif) that is multi bands (35 band), floating point data type that does not have attribute table, and a grid shapefile of 107 polygon created by the fishnet function in ArcGIS. ...
Nour's user avatar
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how to permanently add raster to satellite image in qgis

As mentioned in the title i need to integrate a raster to a satellite image but have no idea as to how to do this. I tried the add grid function and it works nice but is not permanent. I insert it ...
kwai's user avatar
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