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Questions tagged [boundaries]

For questions related to data for boundaries of real world features, such as those of administrative regions, cities, and towns.

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Correct non-matching edges between polygons in QGIS

In QGIS the processing algorithm 'Validate Coverage' identifies cases of non exactly matching edges between adjacent polygons. Like in the picture below : although vertices 1. 2. and 3. of the left ...
August2323's user avatar
3 votes
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Create boundary box without overlapping

Is there a way to create a tight boundary box around these shapes without creating a shape which will overlap other shapes which aren't the selected feature. Creating a convex hull will create these ...
Kai's user avatar
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Filtering intersections to exclude artificial boundaries in Shapely

I'm working on a project where I need to find intersections between contours using the Shapely library. However, I'm running into an issue where some of the intersection points are incorrectly ...
asmae agouram's user avatar
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Render API data points within a boundary

I am currently trying to find all the speed limits of roads within the Birmingham area. I have the API key from OS and set up the WFS Connection successfully. But what I have noticed is that it does ...
James McKinley's user avatar
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How do I automate creating new features from a shapefile based on specific field?

I have a shapefile of a country with district boundaries (Refer to the image below). I want to create new features or shapefiles of individual district boundaries How do I automate the creation of ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
2 votes
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How to create a boundary automatically around points

I created origin-destination networks in ArcGIS Pro manually using the HOW TO Create connection lines between points and a line in ArcGIS Pro tutorial. Green point is the origin and brown point is the ...
mfirdaus_96's user avatar
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Extract a vector from a raster with a single boundary in QGIS

I have a "problem", I need transform a raster in a vector and it works but some pixels like the one in the print it is separated from the boundary, and for my use (a specific use of ...
Mestrexama's user avatar
0 votes
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Finding all boundaries with x meters clearance

My goal is to find all possible "walls" (the parts of the initial polygon boundary) where I have at least x meters clearance. Here is the full area I'm working with, but heres a short ...
Tim4497's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Getting perimeter for each polygon without shared sides in QGIS

I want to get the perimeter of each polygon (building) I have. Some polygons are adjacent, thus sharing a side. Shared sides should be excluded from the calculation for each polygon. In simpler words: ...
Michele Cordini's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I find the length of part of a line segment that crosses a polygon boundary?

I have a street centerline table and a borough boundary polygon table. I want to select any centerlines that cross borough boundaries and also return the how much of that centerline is crossing each ...
Kurt Cederholm's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I label boundaries between two or more regions using their perimeter and making their names face each other?

I want to label the boundaries between different municipalities. I want to reach something similar to the image I´m attaching . I´m using the latest version of Qgis and tried many ways but without any ...
Xavier Sandoval's user avatar
1 vote
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Align edges of polygon to another polygon but only within a distance

I'm trying to align the edges of one polygon with another but only for a section of the polygon in ArcGIS Pro. Basically, I want to align the boundaries of the two polygons but only if they are close ...
RySmith's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Extract national boundaries from file [closed]

I would like to know how to extract national boundaries coordinates into a text file. I've downloaded some files from natural earth (like shapefile, json etc..) but I don't know how to use them. My ...
Fla Vio's user avatar
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Extract boundary from merged polygon QGIS

Summary of situation: i got several layers with different parts of one territory, there are not only boundaries and square but also other stuff (i mean all lines inside) I merged layers and turned ...
Анна Б.'s user avatar
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How to create a boundary where the only things to be visualized from the main layer are inside that boundary [closed]

I'm trying to do something like this: I'm only interested in the things inside that polygon. How can I do that? I'm using QGIS 3.28.3 'Firenze'.
Scipio's user avatar
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3 votes
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World Map without break line at 180 Meridian (Russia) [duplicate]

I want to create a map of the world (in my case Winkel Tripel but could be Miller or Equal Earth as well) showing Russia's full extent to the right, like in this example - which might be a very common ...
boess's user avatar
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Thiessen polygon delineation within a feature (polygon) not extent

I am trying to create Thiessen (Voronoi) polygons, based on points with a defined shapefile (separated polygons). The output should be inclusive to the feature. The output I receive now is the ...
Karim Fouali's user avatar
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What spatial interpolation is going on with interpolate_pw: population weighted or population-areal weighted?

I think I want to use interpolate_pw from the tidycensus R package to interpolate data from 2000 to 2010 county boundaries. The R documentation describes this as population-weighted interpolation. The ...
tchoup's user avatar
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Moving polygon to edge of boundary using QGIS

I have a set of polygons that have been drawn using a set of plotted addresses. All of these polygons fall within a geographical boundary of the local area. As the boundary is drawn using local ...
user avatar
2 votes
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How to create a boundary polygon around raster extent (.tif) in QGIS

I would like to create a polygon around the raster (.tif) extent so I can calculate for instance the area in m2 within the polygon. When I try to Polygonize or Clip raster by extend (and delete the 0 ...
Aurora's user avatar
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QGIS: How do I clip away rivers extending beyond my state shapefile? [duplicate]

Re-learning QGIS after a four-year hiatus. I'm trying to make a basic map of the state of Nebraska, complete with county boundaries and a river-system shapefile. I have both shapefiles present in the ...
LeMatticus's user avatar
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How to create a rough boundary/contour around a binary raster?

I want to create a very rough boundary or a contour around the below attached raster. It should mainly contain the "big" black pattern without the smaller black spots but with the white ...
OmteK.'s user avatar
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Create raster from numpy array with boundaries

Working on creating a raster with a constant value for all pixels for land with python. A sample raster is read to get the projection, geotransformation for the the new raster. The raster has the US ...
Arun.R's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Where can I find a map of US county boundaries that reasonably shows the boundaries over bodies of water?

Census, ESRI, and others provide shapefiles and feature classes of US county boundaries, but all the data sets I can find seem to clip the boundaries at the shoreline. So they really only show the ...
Jim Titus's user avatar
1 vote
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How to filter points (LAT, LONG) on a map within a line boundary I created

I am fairly new to QGIS and I have a data set of points that I have plotted with lat & long. The points cover a large area and I'm am trying to figure out if there is a way to only show the points ...
user212201's user avatar
4 votes
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How to show pixel boundaries of a given raster in QGIS?

The Norwegian Meterological Institute provides historical weather data. I download one of these .nc files: curl
zabop's user avatar
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Plotting ERA 5 Data for Specific Region on Google Earth Engine [closed]

I am trying to plot (show data on interactive map) ERA 5 daily averaged Precipitation, but I can't figure out how can I plot for a specific region (bounding box)? The map shows the data for the whole ...
Muhammad Iqbal's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to join data from another layer

I have two polygon layers, I want to join the data based on the location from one layer to another layer. But only field is joining not the data. In image green is one layer and red is another layer. ...
Bruno B's user avatar
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Merging layer features by boundaries

I'm trying to combine the features from a layer in QGIS by distance. Basically I have the following layer with some features. I wanted to remove the small gaps (as seen in below image) between them. ...
Alec's user avatar
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Eliminating overlaps and gaps between polygons using ArcMap

I work in ArcMap 10.8 with an Advanced level license. I work with geological maps. In particular, the scale is 1:500000. I have a lot of line objects (different elements of a relief) that have common ...
Ярослав Вингард's user avatar
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Can't make sense of (UTM?) boundaries coordinates from Statistics Canada

I downloaded a GML file of cities boundaries from Statistics Canada, but I can't make sense of them. For example, when looking at the boundaries for a city north of Toronto (Markham), the first ...
Pedram's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Calculate length of common boundary

I have two different layers, the pink and the blue one. The green polygon is given by the intersection of the other two layers. I want to calculate the length of the common boundary line between the ...
anea's user avatar
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Boundary Placement in QGIS 3.x

in ArcMap there is a great function for polygon labels - boundary placement. So at the boundary with a new polygon the labels of both polygons are displayed opposite each other. Is it possible to do ...
geoinformstory's user avatar
3 votes
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Clipping vector layer with preserving boundaries of polygons in QGIS

I would like to clip a vector layer containing buildings by a rectangular boundary (also a vector layer). However, rather than cutting straight through the buildings at the boundary, I want it to ...
Topow's user avatar
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Clustering of points but with a condition of not crossing set of lines

I have multiple sets of around 200-300 points and I have the following requirements: Cluster the points in each set into a group of points with a minimum & maximum number (as defined by me). In ...
Akhilesh jj's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating different kind of outline for many polygons in QGIS

Is it possible in QGIS 3.4 Madeira to change stroke width on number of polygons? But I want only to outer boundary be different thicker line and I want to inner boundary remains thinner. Example: All ...
Shai Hulud's user avatar
7 votes
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Higher resolution of country borders

I have been looking and looking for a long while, but I was unable to find any freely available datasets for country borders with resolution higher than 1:1000000. I found this strange as I thought ...
David Kan's user avatar
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ArcMap minimum bounding geometry around groups of lines massive spike stretching far into the distance

ArcMap for Desktop. No internet connection. I have a bunch of lines that represent roads. I would like to make convex hulls to isolate groups of these roads. When I do this in ArcMap, a ...
PencilBox's user avatar
2 votes
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Avoiding buffer exceeds layer boundaries in QGIS

I generated random points within my map in QGIS. Then I created a buffer zone of 5km around each point because it is necessary for my analysis. However, now the buffer zone crosses over the layer ...
ameliemiaa's user avatar
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Adding attribute of polygon orientation depending on neighbors in QGIS

I have a shapefile with buildings as polygons. Is it possible to add attribute columns referring if the polygon boundary is "other polygon" or "outdoors" for a certain orientation (...
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar
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How to find average distance of points in polygon to boundary of polygons?

I have a layer of polygons and a layer of points that I lay on top of those polygons. Some polygons, which I will refer to here as "zones", will contain 1 point within their boundary, and ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar
5 votes
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Defining river boundaries so that TIN interpolates within those boundaries

I am a new QGIS user just learning the product. As part of our works we take depth soundings around river bends. I have worked out how to do basic contours with colour bands in the background using ...
kanekane's user avatar
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Generalise low resolution World Bank boundary data

I'm trying to generalize World Bank Official Boundaries:World Boundaries GeoJSON - Low Resolution from using QGIS 3.18.3, using ...
Michal Charemza's user avatar
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Polygon coordinates are wrong after shapefile import

I have shapefile I have imported, but the polygon coordinates are wrong. Was the shapefile exported incorrectly or is there something I'm missing. Point 30.8843 -29.9688 should fall in the boundary.
James Murray's user avatar
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Finding distance from points to the boundary of the nearest polygon in Python

I asked this question on but it seems that doing so here is a better option. Context: I want to compute the distance from points to the closest boundary of the closest polygon to ...
flucoe's user avatar
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Extract administrative boundaries with physical borders at the coast line from OSM data

I successfully downloaded the OSM data from and converted the .osm.pbf file to a .gpkg using og2ogr. Now I want to extract administrative boundaries using DB-Manager and SQL: ...
parallax's user avatar
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How to move data according to the distance [closed]

I have a data in the shapefile format. Now I have to move them according to the boundaries. Is their any solution to move according to the distance without manually. I want to select the data with ...
Bruno B's user avatar
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Find nearest boundary of inner feature (Turf.js)

Imagine a GeoJSON FeatureCollection that contains a boundary and a feature. The feature should be thought of as a Building and the boundary as a plot of land. When rendered this shows the follow https:...
YayoUK's user avatar
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Edge detection from Google Earth basemap in QGIS

I would like to detect boundaries of agricultural fields for 70 different polygons spread out across a country. Is it possible to run an edge detection algorithm using the google earth (or equivalent) ...
Rachel's user avatar
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3 votes
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Get footprint or boundary of LIDAR data

I am using the lidR package in R to manage my ALS data. I was having problems generating DTMs on the edge files of my catalog because the tool lidR::grid_terrain() was doing some interpolation between ...
candelas762's user avatar